Military Quiz

Posted on 09th June 2011 | in Community

Have fun taking part in the Alnmouth British Legion Military Quiz.  There are £90 in prizes to be won by a draw from all correct entries but even if you don’t get all the answers right, you could still win a prize in the draw of all returned entries!  Quiz forms, for a suggested minimum donation of £1 obtainable from a number of local Post Offices or Neil Brison, 6 Royal Oak Gardens, Alnwick NE66  2DA and David Easton, 19 Hipsburn Crescent, Lesbury NE66 3QD  by enclosing a S.A.E. Closing date 1st July. 

The branch is holding a number of events to raise money for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal on its 90th anniversary and to supplement their funds. The quiz draw will take place at the second event- a Prize Bingo- to be held Friday 15th July at Alnmouth Ex-Servicemen’s Club & Institute.

Donations of prizes will be gratefully received so why not hunt out those unused Christmas Gifts to give to this worthy cause.

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