Letters & Email

  • What you say… #147

    What you say… #147

    25th July 2024

    Thanks from Poppy Appeal I would like to thank her volunteers, Morrisons Supermarket and the very…

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  • What you say… #146

    23rd May 2024

    Frogs: Could more garden ponds encourage biodiversity? I read Hugh’s article, (#145 p7 Where are the…

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  • What you say… #145

    What you say… #145

    4th April 2024

    Battlefields cycle tour for Help for Heroes I am Carl Stewart. I grew up, and have…

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  • What you say… #144

    What you say… #144

    8th February 2024

    Thank you Amble from Revd John On 14 November I reluctantly stepped down from my post…

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  • What you say… #143

    7th December 2023

    Trees at the A1068 roundabout I really do hope that Persimmons will follow Tom Lloyd’s advice…

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  • What you say… #142

    6th October 2023

    Bord Waalk opening not publicised As a resident of Amble I would have liked to have…

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  • What you say #139

    What you say #139

    30th March 2023

    The Ambler is a great read! Thank you for the latest edition of The Ambler. It…

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  • What you say #138

    What you say #138

    16th February 2023

    Christmas Lights Parade Thanks It was fantastic to see the Christmas Lights Parade, people must have…

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  • What you say #137

    7th December 2022

    Thoughts on developments in Amble The recent adoption of the Northumberland Local Plan has significant implications…

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  • What you say #136

    6th October 2022

    Dangerous parking on Acklington Road  I was cycling past Acklington Road with my child and saw…

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