Amble Town Council

  • Update on Amble’s Neighbourhood Plan

    25th July 2024

    Earlier in the year, Amble Town Council set up a Steering Group to work on a…

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  • Amble Town Council Report #147

    Amble Town Council Report #147

    25th July 2024

    Meetings – Town: 8th Aug, 12th Sept at 6pm. Council Office Amenities: 26th Sept at 6pm. Council Office…

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  • Amble’s Garden and Civic awards 2024

    17th July 2024

    Congratulations to Bhajan Kaur, whose garden in Castle View was the overall winner of Amble Town…

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  • Amble’s Good Young Citizen award 2024

    16th July 2024

    Amble’s Good Young Citizen award was the brainchild of PCSO Darin Fawcett, who organised it for…

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  • D-Day 80th anniversary commemoration event

    10th June 2024

    A blustery wind did not deter the crowds from turning out at Amble’s memorials to show…

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  • Amble Town Council Report #146

    23rd May 2024

    Meetings – Town: 13 June, 11 July at 6pm. Council Office Amenities: 30 May, 25 July…

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  • Amble Town Council Report #145

    4th April 2024

    UPCOMING MEETINGS Town: 11 April, 9 May 2024 at 6pm. Council Office Amenities: 30 May 2024…

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  • Amble Town Council Report #144

    8th February 2024

    UPCOMING MEETINGS Town: 8 Feb, 14 Mar 2024 at 6pm. Council Office Amenities: 28 Mar. 2024…

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  • Amble Town Council plan to sell land for housing

    16th January 2024

    Amble Town Council is proposing to sell land it owns to a housing developer, with the…

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  • Amble Town Council Report #143

    7th December 2023

    UPCOMING MEETINGS Town: 14th December; 11th January at 6p.m. Council Office Amenities: 25th January at 6p.m….

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