Amble Town Council Report #145

Posted on 04th April 2024 | in Amble Town Council , Community , Heritage & Tourism , Local Councils

Town: 11 April, 9 May 2024 at 6pm. Council Office
Amenities: 30 May 2024 at 6pm. Council Office
Save the day Parish meeting Thursday 2 May 6pm

Sat. 8 June, Noon D-Day 80th Commemoration

Around twenty people came to the public meeting about the Neighbourhood Plan. The detail and work involved on the three areas of Open Spaces, Conservation & Heritage was explained. Information about finance and assistance from NCC planning staff was also given.
The discussion then developed into a question and answer session. Attendees were asked to consider all they had heard and then contact the Clerk if they wanted any more information. They were asked to indicate their willingness to be a member of a Steering Group by 7 March. This would then be taken to full Council for a decision on whether to proceed.


Plans are now confirmed for the above event to be held in Amble on Saturday 8 June. In the morning there will be a tour of WWII Commemorations in the West Cemetery- contact the Clerk to book as places are limited. At noon there will be a brief service and wreath-laying at the town Memorials. This will be followed by a short performance from Northumberland Theatre Company to take us from commemoration to celebrating the deeds of all the forces that day which greatly helped to bring an end to the war. There will be a brass band and singing from a number of entertainers. You are all invited to ‘picnic’ in the Square either by bringing your own food along or buying from the food outlets there. Watch out for the posters!
If you would like to be at the ‘Picnic in the Square’ contact the Clerk with your details as spaces well be limited to encourage a variety of offers.


Discussions continue with NCC about the possibility of Amble First School becoming a Community Hub after pupils relocate to South Avenue. NCC do not foresee a need for their own departments to use the building so it could be available for a suitable community transfer. Council now have some details of the yearly running costs which although incomplete were much higher than anticipated. However an energy survey and possible changes could reduce these to a more manageable level. There is now also a condition survey which will need close scrutiny to assess how much work to the building may be required. Further discussions will be needed to break this information down before determining whether to move forward with a business plan – the next stage.


By the time you read this, NCC should have agreed their budget for 2024-25 and included funds for the ongoing refurbishment of toilets. While there is no legal requirement for them to maintain toilets, it is acknowledged that with a strong reliance on tourism to maintain the county’s economy, it is a good idea to do so. It appears that refurbishments already carried out have been successful but have proved much more costly than originally planned, mainly due to unforeseen high rises in materials. It has also been realised that perhaps not all toilet areas need to be so extensively renewed when a robust refurbishment is what is desperately required. Hopefully after two years of promises, our continued pushing will actually achieve those badly needed works for Amble.


We continue to monitor water usage to ascertain the possibility of a leak here which is increasing the bills considerably. We are looking at yet another repair to the water feature pump to get it working for the season. The last vandalism on this has resulted in almost a total refurbishment being needed. Wanton destruction on this scale each year cannot be sustained long term so PLEASE report anyone you see misusing equipment there.


Lots of calls recently regarding tree works along the A1068. Although all this avenue of trees has protected status, to keep them healthy and safe, work needs to be carried out. NCC send a qualified specialist to assess what is required; then they apply for permission to do the work. Only after it is agreed will the work be done. These trees are all in the Warkworth Parish area. To check for scheduled works, ring NCC or take a look on their planning portal. While Amble has many trees, few (those on West Avenue, a copse off Acklington Road and a couple in the town itself) are protected. Council have identified others and they are on a waiting list for assessment.



{Views expressed are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the council}

I joined the council last year as I wanted to get involved in keeping Amble a nice area to live.
Having been approached by one resident about the potholes in the road outside her house, I looked into using “Fix My Street” on the NCC website to report the issue. Once reported the Highways department is instructed to carry out the repairs.
Some people made me aware that NCC emails told them the pot holes had been repaired when no-one from NCC or the Highways department had been seen and the potholes were still there. NCC’s reply to this always said that the job reported had been wrongly cancelled by mistake.
It concerns me that jobs are reported as ‘complete’ when this has not happened. NCC say they are looking into this but meanwhile we all need to keep checking to ensure the money from government for these works is being spent correctly.
As a community, residents need to keep sending in reports to “Fix My Street” and then chase up NCC if the repairs are not completed thus holding them accountable.
Cllr. Michael Joyce



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Office hours: 10.30am-12noon & 1.30-3p.m. Monday to Friday Vicki Smith, Town Clerk Minutes available to view in Office or online

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