Donate to The Ambler

Click on the link to  Donate to the Ambler via Paypal

Thanks for supporting The Ambler, it’s really appreciated. The weblink will take you to a Paypal page titled Amble Development Trust – as The Ambler is a Development Trust initiative (but all of the money will go towards The Ambler). You don’t need to have a Paypal account, and even if you do, you can choose not to log in, but pay via a card instead.

Six issues of The Ambler community newspaper

Did you know the Ambler costs only 50p an issue to produce and deliver to your door*? That’s not a lot when you consider a first class stamp is 95p. The question is how much do you value it?

The Ambler will soon be heading into our 23rd year. We produce six editions per year, delivered free to every home in the town. The paper is managed by one dedicated full-time worker with a small but trusty group of volunteers.

We are recognised as an excellent example of a community newspaper, and we continue to provide a trusted and dependable source of news and focus for the town. Most articles are written by locals, so our readership recognises their input as being authentic.

The number of houses in Amble is growing all the time and we really want to continue delivering to everyone in the community.

Our limited income comes from advertising and the occasional grant but … if you value what we do, perhaps you would consider donating what you can?

Click here to Donate to the Ambler via Paypal

*As long as you live in Amble or Hauxley! We do offer a subscription service for £10 a year if you would like us to post a copy out.