Amble Town Council Report #144

Posted on 08th February 2024 | in Amble Town Council

Town: 8 Feb, 14 Mar 2024 at 6pm. Council Office
Amenities: 28 Mar. 2024 at 6pm. Council Office
Sat. 8 June, Noon D-Day 80th Commemoration

Another year starts with everyone full of good intentions. Whether a pledge to eat or drink less or to exercise more- we all see the start of a year as a chance to change something about ourselves. Why not make this the year to do more to help your town or some of its people.
You will not need to look far to find something where you can volunteer your time, skills or expertise. In doing this you will also find opportunities to meet more people, expand your interests and generally feel better about yourself.
So…give yourself a shake, get busy by working those fingers or feet or ask around; there is always something or someone needing help.

Please remember that traffic flow on this street has changed. Vehicles can only enter from Queen Street and exit onto Church Street. There have been several incidents of misuse as some seem confused- even though there are ‘No Entry’ signs at the Church Street end, bicyclists can still enter from here. Also take care as there are plans for parking restrictions to be introduced in Acklington Road and Bisley Road soon.

Council is still in discussion with County regarding the future use of Edwin Street School buildings after the pupils vacate. County have informed us that at present they do not perceive a need for the building for their own use and so it may be made available publically. We continue to press for details about the condition and running costs of the premises so we can determine if it is viable to ask for a community transfer of the building rather than see the site sold for other usage.
Whilst the town does have some buildings where groups can meet it is rapidly becoming obvious that with an expanding town, these are not enough now and so will not be adequate for future needs. This building may be the answer to that.

January – The month that looks both ways. I am writing this at the time of year when we think about resolutions for the year to come. It is a time to contemplate and take stock of what has gone before and look forward to what is to come. Recently I, amongst many others, attended the Remembrance Sunday wreath laying ceremony at the Memorial Gardens. It was, as always, well attended. I was especially heartened to see representatives from younger generations paying their respects to those who have fallen. JCSC and Amble Youth Project, two organisations I have had the pleasure to work closely with this year were both present.
Once all the festivities of December are over, we start to look forward. June sees the 80th anniversary of D-Day, and I am particularly looking forward to the commemorative events we shall be sharing in the Town Square.
Cllr. Ian Parks.

Thank you to all those dog owners who regularly pick up on their walks. It’s not pleasant to be out on those horrible wet windy, cold days but you still take the time to do this. If asked, all owners say they do this….so where do the piles left throughout the town come from?? Whether on footpaths or green areas, it is not pleasant and cannot always be avoided. No-one wants to unknowingly trail it home onto floors and carpets especially where there may be young children playing. No-one wants to have to scrape it out of shoe or trainer ridges.
Amble has over 70 litter bins, so you are never very far from one where you can deposit the waste. Please be a responsible owner, like so many already in the town, and clean up after your pet.

County have accepted our application to develop a neighbourhood plan for Amble which will focus on conserving the town’s heritage and open spaces as these are the two topics which have been brought forward as being of prime concern to our townspeople. If you would like to be involved, please look out for the initial meeting date. Whilst a small Steering Group will be formed to determine how to carry this out, there will also be a need for others to help with gathering the evidence needed to support the ideas. This can only come about with community support so please think about volunteering your help.

The current system has been in use for eight years now. Technology is continually changing and improving. Helped by donations from our County Councillors Clarke and Watson, Council will soon be upgrading the system with the latest technology. Northumbria Police have found it a very useful tool in helping to identify those involved in various incidents particularly regarding assaults and anti-social behaviour.

When someone receives a warning about what is generally known as ‘joy riding’, that warning is both for the person and the vehicle. People may realise that if the person commits the same offence again, the vehicle involved- even if a different one or not theirs- can be seized.
But did you know that if someone else commits an offence in that same vehicle, it can then be seized immediately. For example, a young person may borrow a parent or sibling’s vehicle and receive a warning- unfortunately if the parent or sibling then is involved in another offence with that vehicle, a warning has already been given and the vehicle can be impounded.
Many people also do not realise that these warnings must be declared for insurance purposes and can result in higher costs. Impounded vehicles incur lifting and storage costs and need valid current documentation in order to be reclaimed.
Always take care to know who is using your vehicle and that they can be trusted to act sensibly and within the law- or you could find yourself with no vehicle!


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Office hours: 10.30am-12noon & 1.30-3p.m. Monday to Friday Vicki Smith, Town Clerk Minutes available to view in Office or online

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