Amble Town Council — August/Septemeber 2012
Town: 13th Sept, 11th Oct
Cemeteries: 20th Sept, 18th Oct
Finance: 30th Aug, 27th Sept, 25th Oct
Allotments: 13th Oct 10am. (Site visit- 9am. Wynd)
Cllr Ian Hinson is this year’s Chairman and Mayor. Vice Chairman- Cllr Craig Weir; Cemeteries Cllr Weir – Chairman – Cllr Sam Palin Vice Chairman; Finance Cllr Hinson – Chairman Cllr Jane Dargue -Vice Chairman Details of other positions and representatives are available from the Town Council Annual General Meeting minutes at the Library or Council Office on the Quayside or from the Clerk.
Northumberland local development framework
This important document ends consultation very soon and Councillors have considered their response. It covers many aspects of development- from housing to businesses, utilities to green belt, minerals to renewable energy, waste management to transport. Once approved, it will be used to form the basis for Planning Policy Guidelines which determine all planning applications whether small porches or a large housing estates or supermarket. When sanctioned, it remains in place until 2030 so it is imperative that we all consider its implications not just for the County but for our own town. Your views matter too. You can give these online or by contacting N.C.C. Planning Department.
Amble West Cemetery
We are concerned that more people are ignoring notices which clearly show that no dogs other than trained disability assistance dogs are allowed in the cemetery. People can use the cemetery for exercise – do not take a dog as they are excluded and could be considered a nuisance under the Local Authority Cemetery Act 1977. Failure to comply is punishable by a fine.
Remember a N.C.C. dog control order makes it an offence to not to pick up after your dog has fouled on any publically accessible land in Northumberland 365 days a year; offenders can face an on the spot fine of £75.00 and if prosecuted, a fine of up to £1000 if they fail to pick up after their dog(s).
Please bear in mind too that children under 12 years are not allowed in the cemetery unless they are with an adult and, under the same 1977 act, no playing of games or sport is allowed there.
Councillor’s Corner
I became a Town Councillor, during a period of cuts, and loss of jobs In the light of this, it would be easy to imagine a town suffering from depression and a lack of hope, but I have found, this is a town with a huge amount of spirit, a sense of community and a will to pull together. demonstrated by the Jubilee event when the town was filled with people celebrating and enjoying a range of activities. To achieve this, people from many organisations gave freely of their time. The same enthusiasm was present when over fifty people volunteered to pick up litter; others planted flowers to bring a splash of colour – an enterprise boosted by Amble in Bloom working with HMP Northumberland.
I also recall standing in the pouring rain, with hundreds of others, including many flag-waving school children, to watch the Olympic torch pass. It would be impossible not to feel a real sense of community. I joined the Town Council to work for the good of the town and to help promote a sense of local pride. What I have learnt is there is already a will and enthusiasm to work together to make our town a great place to live. As a councillor I am proud to be part of that.
Cllr. Jane Dargue
The Diamond Jubilee, Olympic Torch and Royal Visit
How wonderful it was that so many people took part in the events, showing what a fantastic community we have. The happy smiling faces made us proud to belong to Amble showing the nation what working together as a community can do.
It is good to promote small businesses, and what can be achieved by the hard work of small groups who are prepared to volunteer some of their leisure time. Everyone likes to see activities taking place, not only for their own enjoyment but also to encourage visitors and boost our businesses. The town looked good after the valiant efforts of the ‘Big Tidy Up.’ There were some magnificent floral displays achieved by a group of volunteers. However there is still a need for more people to join in the large variety of community activities available – especially by volunteering their help with organising and running events.
How much more lively and attractive our town would be; imagine- litter free areas, beautiful weed free floral beds and displays, hot spots tidied every month, at least one community event for all to enjoy about every couple of months! Other places manage to achieve this using local ‘people power’- why shouldn’t it happen here in Amble? If you enjoyed these events, volunteer some of your time; if you felt more could have been done or you’ve ideas for other things, then join/start a group and give some of your own time to bring yet more and better activities to Amble!
2013 Budget
The Town Council now have to start planning for next April. We await notification, but we anticipate, that in April N.C.C. will hand responsibility for the local flowerbeds to the Town Council with no money to fund the service. This April, we took responsibility for most of the seats and some of the bus shelters but refused to pay for extra grass cuts in March and October- would you want us to pay the extra £3.5k for these 3 cuts? Members will have their own thoughts of what they would like to see happen but we would welcome your ideas of how you see Amble developing and changing in future. Please sit down, contemplate what you’d like to see or what we have that could be built upon, then contact your Councillor to discuss these. Maybe some have been thought of before – either successfully or not – but you may have a gem of a project which has not been tried. Your input is vital to our discussions; we all want it to grow and improve.

The town council awarded £300 grant to Amble Attachment of the Northumberland Army Cadet Force towards their summer camp, an essential part of their training. Mayor Ian Hinson presented a cheque to Sergent Hedley (left front) seen with some of the cadets.
Natural Burials
A natural burial area is being created in the North-western corner of Amble West Cemetery to give people more choice on where their own or their loved one’s final resting place may be.
For more information pick up a leaflet from the Amble Town Council office.
Your councillors
Robert Arckless — 37 Anne Crescent, Amble, NE65 0QZ — Tel: 01665 711938
Helen Lewis — 11 Kennedy Road, Amble, NE65 0QH— Tel: 07762069026
Craig Weir (Vice chair) — 76 Priory Park, Amble, NE65 0HY — Tel: 01665 712342
Leslie Bilboe — 10 The Close, Amble, NE65 0HZ — Tel: 01665 713364
Ian Hinson (Chair) — 11 Eastgarth Avenue, Amble, NE65 0LW — Tel: 01665 710583
Sam Palin — 40 Bisley Road, Amble, NE65 0NP — Tel: 01665 714115
Rev. Velda Nicholson — 24 Glendale, Amble, NE65 0RG — Tel: 01665 713796
Kate Morrison — 3 Island View, Amble, NE65 0SE — Tel: 01665 711191
Jane Dargue — 10 Sylvia’s Close, Amble, NE65 0GB — Tel: 07795360513