Mauretania Day 2018
Sunday 1 July is the day we are celebrating Mauretania Day in the Harbour village. It is a 1930s themed day where you will be able to see pod holders dressed in 1930s outfits, Morgan cars and listen to the Newbiggin Jayes Brass Band.

Brass band at Amble’s Mauretania Day
We will also be entertained by the Harbour Lights Choir, Amble Sword and the day ending with Café Church in the Seafood Centre.
What is so special about Mauretania Day? On 3 July 1935 the passenger liner Mauretania was making its last voyage, heading to Rosyth to the breakers yard where its life was to come to an end. Sailing along the Northumberland coast and while passing Amble, a message went to the great ship from Amble Urban Council saying, ‘Still the finest ship on the seas’. The reply from Mauretania to Amble Council was ‘Thank you to the last and kindliest port in England’.
It is from this message that the Amble folk adopted the word kindliest but over the years became changed to ‘Friendliest’. Amble the Friendliest Port’.
During our day we will be looking for someone who has made a kindliest deed. They will receive a voucher for spending within the Harbour Village. What kindliest deed have you done?
Come and enjoy the day with us at the Harbour Village and make it a special occasion.
Bartle Rippon, Harbour Village Co-ordinator