Back to school will be a new learning curve for all
When the school gates swing open in September and we welcome back our students and greet a new cohort of Year 5 students, it will be the culmination of months of work and planning for the JCSC team.

James Calvert Spence College, Acklington Rd
Those first steps into the yard at South Avenue or towards a new designated entry point for each year at Acklington Road are likely to feel strange after an extended time away for the majority of pupils. However, parents and pupils can be assured that we have the pastoral support in place to offer assistance where it is needed. This support has been a key focus for the board of governors and the executive team as part of end-of-term discussions that have admittedly looked a little different this year.
Communication with parents, carers and pupils has been more important than ever over recent months, and it’s been especially lovely to receive feedback and suggestions that have fed directly into our plans. The majority of students may not have been on the school premises but staff have dropped books, welcome packs and learning resources to families by foot, bicycle and school minibus. The coming together of the community has been a real source of inspiration and we are keen to continue to foster this spirit so we can meet the needs of our pupils and their families when the new term starts.
This September, the back-to-school period will be a new learning curve for all of us, governors included. There will be a one way system to follow, along with physical zoning of buildings to allow for social distancing. At South Avenue there will be different break and lunch times. And as you’d expect, the JCSC Facilities team will regularly replenish hand sanitiser points and clean throughout the day.
Despite the many changes, we’re confident students old and new will find that JCSC remains a welcoming and nurturing learning environment. If you’d like to play a part in helping to shape that environment and ensuring students achieve their full potential, the board of governors is currently seeking to recruit two governors from the local community. If you are interested in learning more about what it takes to be a school governor, you should contact the clerk to the governing body, Carole Hutchinson,
Sue Currie
Chair of Governors
James Calvert Spence College