Artograffi #132

Sea Dragons and Massive Millipedes Invade Britain
Scientists have found evidence of these two creatures living in the UK, but don’t worry, they’re LOOOONG dead!

The giant millipede (Arthropleura) has been found in Howick when a bit of cliff fell and exposed the huge fossil. The creature was around 2.7 metres long, about the size of a car.
The ‘sea dragon’ (ichthyosaur) was the first complete skeleton found of its species. It is around 10 meters in length – which is half the size of a tennis court. The ichthyosaur is assumed to look like a big dolphin, even though they aren’t dolphins, and since they have quite big eyes, it is thought that they lived near the surface, but obviously not on land. They ate fish and other marine animals and lived 200 million years ago. It was found in Rutland water reservoir in the East Midlands.
By Grace

Who Wants Ice Cream for Breakfast?
On the 5th of February, it is national Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast day. It was invented in New York by Florence Rappaport in the 1960s.
On the 6th of February, it is national Yorkshire Pudding Day. Tradition is to serve a Yorkshire with a Sunday roast and with the 6th being a Sunday it makes sense.
What a great weekend.
By Megan
A Dinosaur’s Guide to the Metaverse
Who has heard of the metaverse? Well, obviously everyone. Except maybe some parents, grandparents and fellow dinosaurs. So here’s a crash course in where your kids are hanging out these days.
Let’s take Roblox for example.
Roblox is a gaming community where people create, share, hang out and play in 3d worlds. Roblox say they have 47 million (!!) daily active users, and it is so big that global brands use it to promote brand awareness.
Roblox is free to download, but the company makes its money when players buy in-game upgrades, extra perks, and accessories for their avatars. So if, for example, you are hanging out in the Ralph Lauren “Winter Experience”, you might feel very tempted to buy something so your avatar looks like you belong there.

And as Hannah points out below, half the people on Roblox are under 13. That’s a lot of young consumers in the new metaverse.
By Di Nosaur
Hannah Gives us her take on Roblox
Did you know half the people on Roblox are under 13? This is not good. This is mostly because of the general dangers of online video games.
There is a lot of not very nice stuff for children on there. Like catfishes and inapropriate games. Catfishes are people that disguise themselves as younger or older to attract attention etc.
Also they get enough money so why do they need all these young people? Roblox is a game with lots of different platforms in it. It is very good but still can be dangerous.
Roblox has been going on for around 15 – 16 years. You can play it on most devices. I think kids under 13 should make sure they get permission off a guardian to purchase stuff off the website.
By Hannah
How’d you like them Apples?
Last issue, we mentioned that a new community apple orchard was being planted at the Welfare, and now we have more information on how it’s going to work from the project manager Andrew Gooding.
“The orchard is an idea for how some of the land at the Welfare can be used differently.” Andrew explained. “At present, the orchard is only an idea- it’s up to the people that get involved to determine how the project progresses and how it helps the community.”

The community orchard will help to sequester carbon and improve biodiversity, but most importantly it’s a way in which people can see where food comes from and encourage them to grow more of their own. Andrew also says that it will improve mental health. “Personally I think any time spent outdoors in nature is positive for mental health- if this project helps to give people a focus to spend more time outdoors, then that’s great.”
People can contact Andrew if they want to help out with planning what trees to plant, training on how to plant and prune, fundraising for the orchard or just getting involved with looking after the trees and eating the apples.
Email for more information or if you want to lend a hand.
By Lily
Don’t Boil Lobsters Alive – Whether it’s Legal or Not
Late last year, on the 19th of November, the UK took a huge step for animal welfare. The Amendment to the Animal Welfare bill legally recognises lobsters, octopus and crabs (and all other decapod crustaceans and cephalopod molluscs) as sentient beings. This means an end to the inhumane treatment of these animals, usually in cooking practices.

Personally, I hate the way lobsters are boiled alive- would you ever boil a dog alive? No, because it’s recognised that it’s cruel. That’s why in my opinion this amendment is long overdue; these animals haven’t just started having sentience, we’ve just started caring. Admittedly, this may be the easiest way to cook them, but is it really worth the pain we put them through? Also, lobsters and octopi are so cool! The way lobsters can see over five times the number of colours we can, and octopi solve puzzles is incredible.
Unfortunately, the amendment does not extend to industry practices like fishing or restaurant kitchens, so won’t have a huge effect, but it’s definitely a start!
By Ava
Lil and Ava’s Boppin Winter Olympics (From Home Edition)
Do you love the Winter Olympics? Do you want to participate but it’s raining not snowing? Is your home tragically unequipped with an indoor ice rink and ski slope?
We have the perfect solution for you: an at home Winter Olympics! All your favourite sports without the multi-million dollar set up.
Luge- For this fan favourite sport where competitors slip and slide down an icy track, which already sounds like a recipe for disaster, all you need is a large tray and set of stairs and you can try sliding along at high speeds for yourself. Go head first to try the skeleton race!
Figure Skating- Try some elegant sliding on your very own ice rink, now in your kitchen! Just empty a bottle of washing up liquid onto the floor, get your favourite slippy socks on and glide beautifully (avoiding kitchen counters).
Curling- One of our favourite sports of the winter genre, you can do curling from home, and the best bit is if you’ve done our figure skating then you already have the rink. Just get your iron (feel free to use the ironing board for snowboarding) and throw it along the floor, then mop up its path.
Skiing- For skiing, get some planks of wood from a fence (check with your parents which fence is your neighbour’s so you can take one of those) and remove the pole from any lamps to use as ski poles, then ski around your house, or around your street if you’re feeling confident.
Snow Angels- This one isn’t technically an Olympic sport, but we thought it deserved a mention. Just empty a can of shaving foam onto your floor (carpet is fine) and make your angels- feel free to turn it into a snowball fight afterwards!
We hope you enjoy your homemade Winter Olympics and don’t destroy too many items of furniture. Make sure to send in photos to Anna!
By Lily and Ava