• New MP learns about the recent history of Amble

    New MP learns about the recent history of Amble

    26th July 2024

    North Northumberland’s new MP called in to see Amble Development Trust’s exhibition and learned first hand…

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  • Holly’s loving life on Coquet Island

    Holly’s loving life on Coquet Island

    25th July 2024

    Coquet Island is an important part of the life and culture of Amble, but what goes…

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  • Lily Tibbits’ Student Life #147

    Lily Tibbits’ Student Life #147

    25th July 2024

    As all good Amble residents do, I went to the Puffin Festival this year. I was…

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  • Update on Amble’s Neighbourhood Plan

    Update on Amble’s Neighbourhood Plan

    25th July 2024

    Earlier in the year, Amble Town Council set up a Steering Group to work on a…

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  • Trust Life #147

    Trust Life #147

    25th July 2024

    Hello everyone, welcome to summer. Over the coming weeks we will be compiling a showcase of…

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  • Brambles celebrates 20 years of nursery provision

    Brambles celebrates 20 years of nursery provision

    25th July 2024

    The weather was great, and it was lovely to see so many familiar faces; there were…

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