Strengthening our visitor marketing potential

Posted on 23rd July 2010 | in Community

Strengthening our visitor marketing potential

In the past few months Amble Development Trust has been working with local tourism businesses and organisations and Northumberland Tourism on an exciting project which will lead to a greater marketing push for Amble.

The project, which is part of the Market Town Welcome programme involves eight towns including Amble and will enable local businesses to get a hold of marketing materials and advice which can be used to further promote the town and its tourism offer to potential visitors.

The new resource can be found online at

Alongside information on how to use the new Northumberland branding in promotional materials, the website contains specific marketing know-how for businesses, from how to create a brochure, to creating your own facebook page.
The website also contains a range of resources that are free to download – such as free images, logos for Northumberland and the towns, and ideas about how to communicate with visitors through copywriting.

Northumberland Tourism will be featuring case studies showcasing how businesses have used the website to sell their town in their own marketing activity.
If you have a tourism business and would like to find out more, please contact

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