WHATS ON: Aug/Sept
Western Front Association
At last month’s meeting of the Western Front Association, Alan Fendley treated his audience to a wide-ranging tale about women at war through the ages.
Despite the considerable achievement of women’s voluntary work, it was not until serious shell shortages occurred in May 1915 that the government took steps to encourage the use of female labour on a large scale.
Eventually, women were employed in all industries and public services, notably transport, the public utilities, local authorities, public services, service industries, food processing, steel, shipyards, agriculture and forestry, glass works and, especially, munitions.
However, Alan went on to explain that most who responded to the call to serve lost their jobs immediately after hostilities ended but not before the seeds of irreversible social change in Britain had been sown.
There is no formal meeting in August.
On September 27th “Work of CWGC” Cindy Beischer
October 25th “The Corpse Strikes Back!: Caporetto 1917” Derek Gladding
Meetings take place at 7.30pm (for8pm) on the fourth Monday of the month at Alnmouth Ex-Servicemen’s Club and Institute, Northumberland St. Alnmouth.
Visitors and new members welcome. The suggested minimum donation is £1, to include a light buffet supper.
David Thompson
“Sleeping Beauty” Pantomime audition
Warkworth Drama Group’s 2010 Panto is “Sleeping Beauty” and auditions will be held at 7pm on Sunday 5th September in The Parish Rooms.
The performance dates will be on 16th to the 18th December with rehearsals starting from Sunday 12th September.
There will be parts for children aged 8 and over, and adults who are big kids at heart. Special mention, we will also be looking for those that can sing and or dance though this is not compulsory.
If you are interested in performing or a behind scenes role, we will be delighted to see you.
If you cannot attend the auditions but still want to be considered for the Pantomime, please contact the Director Antonia Giacomini on 01665 714 331/07946 233 109 or via e-mail on antoniagiacomini@msn.com before Sunday 5th September.
Warkworth & District Flower Club
September 16th “Simple Modern Arrangements” demonstration by Warkworth Flower Club Committee.
October 21st Mrs. Karl Brunton “Flights of Fancy”
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month in the Memorial Hall, Warkworth at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated.
Programme secretary Mrs. L.M.. Bell, Tel 01665 712895
Volunteers wanted
Warkworth with Amble Royal British Legion will be collecting for the annual Poppy Appeal in the autumn and they are looking to recruit extra volunteer collectors to sell poppies to support our troops.
If you would like to spend a couple of evenings once a year to help and live in Amble or Warkworth please get in touch with us on 07785 753100
Hauxley Fun Day on Bank Holiday Monday
The village square at Low Hauxley will be the centre of attraction for this year’s Hauxley Fun Day.
Starting at 11 a.m. on Monday 30th August, the square will be packed with all sorts of entertainment for the whole family.
The usual tombola and cash tombola will be there together with the bric-a-brac stall, which will be packed with bargains. A big hit last year was the chocolate fountain which will be here again this year. Also we foresee the return of the fortune teller, and we hope the “feat of strength” will be back for adults and children to try their skill at ringing the bell.
The sandcastle competition will be held on the beach with lots of prizes for the kids. The usual favourites will be there, the Bouncy Castles – big and small, coco-nut shy and plate smashing, not forgetting the face painting.
There will be a pet competition so bring along your family pet and try and convince the judge you have the best pet. In the Chapel our local artists will have a display of their work, some of which will be available to purchase.
With tea and cakes in the hall, the bar with draught beer and wine as well as soft drinks, and of course the now famous Hauxley pork buns, no-one should go hungry or thirsty. We hope to have a great selection of music from a varied group of local musicians which should keep the day going with a swing.
So come along, bring the family, and have a great day out at Hauxley. We look forward to seeing you there.

Lifeboat Day
It’s that time of year again -Lifeboat Day looming on 29th August 2010. Everyone locally will know what goes on that day – they have supported A.L.F. for many years – thank you all. This is the annual
call for help – anyone who would be willing to assist us in any way, please contact any of the following people – Kim – 01665 714001: Val – 01665 712140 or: Eleanor – 01665 713479. Even if only for an hour or so on the day, it would be much appreciated.
So – come on you folks, come along and help to make this day another success. Incidentally, the day will be opened by our own BBC Weather Girl, Hannah Bayman, at 10am. See you all there!!
Eleanor Cassidy
Vice Chairman Amble Lifeboat Fundraisers
East Coquet Local History Society
Meetings at St. Mark’s URC Hall, Wellwood Street
Every 3rd Thursday (except April 2011) Meet 7.30. pm
All Welcome.
Sept. 16th : Norway – Amble connection
Ann Dawson
Oct. 21st : Remarkable people and places of the North
Pennines. Roger Morris
Nov. 18th: St. Cuthbert – his life, death and legacy
Steve Bangs.
Getabout Northumberland
If you have a few hours to spare each week, fortnight or month you may be just the person that the WRVS Community Transport Scheme needs to help others.’Getabout Northumberland’ is a new Community Transport Scheme in our area that has been developed by WRVS and TINN (Transport in North Northumberland) to help residents in the area who may find public transport options difficult.
This scheme uses cars and minibuses to provide support for people experiencing difficulty travelling throughout the region. However this is more than a taxi service as volunteers who can not drive may be able to act as a Passenger Assistant. All volunteers will receive full training and support. Expenses are paid at 40p per mile. So if you want to know more please get in touch with Kathryn McVie, Project Co-ordinator on 01835 864789 or e-mail GSGINN@wrvs.or.uk.
Also if you would like to find out if you are eligible for this service Kathryn would love to hear from you.
Learn to knit and crochet
Acklington Village Hall
Thursdays 7.00-9.00pm £5 for two hour session
All materials provided. Contact Morag on 01665 570473
Festival of the Northumberland Coast Path
It is festival season on the Northumberland Coast, we are mid-way
through our Seaside Rock festival and our walking festival.
Walking is the best way to appreciate our fantastic coastline so why
not come along and join us?
Wednesday 25th August – Belford to Fenwick, 10:00am, 6½ miles
Wednesday 1st September – Fenwick to Berwick-upon-Tweed, 9:30am 12 miles. The start time of each walk coincides with the arrival of a bus. We will return to the starting point on the bus too. To plan your journey call traveline on 0871 200 22 33 or visit w.travelinenortheast.info
For more information about the Festival visit www.ourcoastoursea.org.uk or call 01665 511206 to book a place.
Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning
Once again Irene and George Hall will be hosting a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support as part of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning on Friday September 24th in St. Mark’s United Reformed Church Hall, Wellwood Street, Amble between 10am and 12 noon. There will be a cake stall, tombola and raffle and any contributions or donations will be very welcome. The money raised will be invaluable to the work of Macmillan providing people affected with cancer with the vital support they need. We look forward to seeing you there.
Scouting again in Amble
After an absence of many years, the Scout Association has successfully launched a Beaver Colony in Amble. The group, which is based at Amble First School saw its first investitures in June and is hoping to attract more members as time goes on. Scouting is a great adventure for children – it is fun and an opportunity to make new friends and try new things. Children can join Beavers aged six and stay until they are eight, when they can move on to Cubs. If you would like to find out more, please contact the Beaver Leaders, c/o Amble First School, or contact them at the school on Tuesdays, 4.15pm – 5.15pm.
The Romantic North – WEA
The course will be dealing with romance in poetry, painting and landscape, all of which became firmly connected with the North of England and Scotland between 1750 and 1850. Come along and find out why and how.
Tutor: Peter Regan
8 Thursdays starting September 16th
10am – 12noon
St. Mark’s URC Hall, Wellwood Street
Fees are graded so that all can participate.
More information from Hilga Peacock tel. 711156
Norma Hinson tel. 710583
Christmas lights parade
In September the children will be back to school and there will be only 15 weeks to Christmas and even less to the Annual Christmas Lights Parade in Amble. Over the past 3 years the schools across the Coquet Partnership area have been involved in the parade. Last year the Mad Hatter came to tea in Amble and this year ….. well you will have to wait and see.
All year four pupils in all the first schools will be involved in making small lanterns to carry in the parade and pupils from the two middle schools and Coquet High School will have the opportunity to take part in lantern workshops after school in both Hadston and Amble. More information will be sent out via the schools in September or you can contact Sara Jenson-Boon on 01670 760578 or take a look at our website
www.coquet.extended-services.org.uk to find out how you can get involved.
Amble community singers
This new singing group began in the summer, as part of a 20,000 Voices initiative to provide a variety of singing opportunities in the Amble area. After a series of taster sessions, which everyone really enjoyed, there was a strong desire to continue singing together as a group – and to encourage other singers to join them. T
he group will be led and encouraged by Flora Peden Smith (http://www.viva-vocals.co.uk/), who led the taster sessions. She will provide a range of repertoire for singers to try. All songs will be taught by ear, but occasionally printed music may be used as well.
Music will range from simple rounds to harmony songs in 3 or 4 parts, and will include songs from different parts of the world. You don’t need any previous experience of singing in a choir to join the group, nor do you need to be able to read music. Everyone over 16 is welcome.
Dates and times: Thursday evenings, 7.30 – 9.30 pm. First session 9th September 2010. Sessions will be weekly, with a break for half-term on 28 October.
Venue: St Cuthbert’s Parish Church Hall, Dovecote Street, Amble
Fees: £5 / £4.50 per session. £30 / £27 for half a term, if booked in advance for all the sessions (i.e. one free session)
For further information or a booking form, please telephone 01670 852445 or email info@20000voices.org
If you have an event you’d like to be included in our What’s On listings, please contact Anna on 01665 712929