Public display of supermarket plans

Update: Tweeting at the meeting – The Ambler tweeted updates from the Town Council’s meeting held on Feb 1st. You can read them by clicking on this link .
Residents of Amble were able to drop in and see the detailed plans for the proposed supermarket development and leave comments with Amble Town Council. These comments will help form the Council’s response to the Planning Committee at County Hall.
The plans were on display in the Trinity Methodist Church Hall, Percy Street, Amble between 2.00pm and 6.00pm on Wednesday 26th January.
The plans go under the snappy title of: Reserved matter (A/2010/0522): construction of retail supermarket-consideration of appearance and scale (outline reference A/2008/0002) for the land North of Queen Street and adjacent to the Gut and the Braid.
The Town Council will formulate their response to the proposed development at their Planning Committee meeting, which will also be held in the Trinity Methodist Church Hall on Tuesday 1st February at 6.30pm. Members of the public were able to speak at this meeting.
People wishing to contact the Town Council or send their comments on the plans can also do them in the following ways:
email Amble Town Council:,
write to the Town Council: Town Council Office, The Quayside, Amble, Morpeth NE65 OAP; Telephone: 01665 714695
or leave a comment in the comments box below.
Members of the public can also apply to speak at the Planning meeting of the County Council (which will probably be held at the old District Council Office, Clayport, Alnwick on 3rd March).
To apply to speak at that meeting or to leave comments with the County council, you should ring County Hall on 0845 600 6400 before February 10th.
You will also have to indicate whether you wish to speak either “for” or “against” the proposal.
Remember, you will only be able to discuss the details of the store, car parking and internal roads. Outline planning permission to site a supermarket in this area has already been granted.
You can still see the plans for the new Tesco supermarket downstairs at Fourways2 and at Amble Library.
You can also see them online. Go to this page on the County Council’s website and type A/2010/0522 into the “Application Reference” box.
In principle these initial plans would appear to indicate a low-rise, fairly taseful building. However, the building cannot be considered in isolation and, once a full car park and one or two articulated lorries are introduced, along with the inevitable detritus associated with a busy supermarket the picture becomes altogether different and one can only feel for those whose homes are directly affected.
I am aware of few locations in the UK where a full size supermarket has been permitted so close to the coastline and in Amble’s case on what is designated to be an area of outstanding natural beauty. This building lies along the Northumbrian Coastal Route and will forever diminish the Amble section of that much followed route. One cannot imagine such consent having been given to locate a supermarket along the coast in say Craster or Bamburgh and it is a tragedy that Amble is clearly considered of less importance than other historic Northumbrian towns!
This thread was replied to on Sunday 13th February
Oh well, just another big play ground for all the idiots to race around car parks all hours of the night like all the other Supermarkets in the region.
I feel sorry for the people in that area as they will be getting all the latest editions of BOOM BOOM Music.
This land should of been just kept the way it was 20 or so more years ago a Bog before it was redeveloped so people could enjoy.
Where would the council planning and Northumbria Estates be?? would they of financed the filling in of all the Bog in now if it was still the same” NO” i dont think so.
What amazes me is the planning officers heads must be so far up there own backsides SO where does this fit in ? Will it blend in with Old buildings or will the Porch at the front not look right ” Bollocks” i say,get it up on the industrial site and if Tesco is so comitted they can put a courtesey bus on for people who do not or cannot afford a car.
Nice Big area on Industraial estate, nice area where Breezes Garage used to Be
Just a weeney Amble By The Sea Resident who,s points will be overlooked as doeos everything by the Powers that BE.
GOOD FOR YOU ! Amble Resident ……… You tell it like it is….. Get the supermarket up the Top End – leave the Braid alone.
Correction ! ! ! that should be COQUETbird ! ! ! !
Surely to God the industrial estate would be a far better place to build a supermarket, the roads etc., are already there. The beautiful views on the braid will be destroyed for ever, there’s nothing like coming back into Amble and seeing the marina and looking towards the harbour, you know you are home. Tesco would have realised this aswell and they normally get their own way in the end.
Well, you have voted to allow a supermarket to be built close to the coastline and in an area of outstanding beauty,when there were other more suitable sites available in Amble. NCC members and Amble councillors hang your heads in shame!
Having made this dreadful mistake I would like to think that you will be concerned to make sure that the appearance of the supermarket from the Braid does not adversely affect the iconic vews ( The Civic Trust in their Conservation Area Appraisal). English Heritage also raised major concerns about the appearance of the supermarket against the backdrop of the Conservation Area.Why then is this proposal not more sympathetic to its surroundings?This is a Tesco design which is remarkably similar in architectural terms to other Tesco stores and takes no account that this building will lie along the Northumbrian Coastal Route.The building should be lower and have a more natural appearance appropriate to the site so that it does not spoil the view for residents,and from the Braid.For the same reason,there needs to be far more screening to ‘hide’ the cars and the queuing articulated lorries and their noise.There should be no point of sale material allowed outside the supermarket,including illuminated Tesco signs facing out across the Braid.What conditions are being imposed regarding restricting noise,lighting,delivery hours,delivery vehicle parking and their drivers leaving their engines running?As imposed on other retailers in sensitive areas it should be a condition that throughout the day Tesco schedule the collection of discarded rubbish such as carrier bags and discarded packaging etc as well as retrieve discarded trolleys from the Braid and the Gut.
Where are the plans for the access road? Are these still being prepared? The road will draw a nasty scar on the Braid. What plans and conditions will be imposed to disguise it so it does not detract from the views and tranquillity for residents and for those using the Braid? It should be sunk into a cutting and disguised with shrubbery which should be maintained.There should be a speed restriction and no lighting.Do not spoil these iconic views,its time to respect Amble!
Amble has a jewel of an open space in The Braid, regarded as the southern gateway to the iconic Northumbrian coastline. Many local people have fought hard to preserve this, but our culture’s apparent need for more supermarkets has proved stronger, and this greenbelt area of outstanding natural beauty is about to be lost. If the councillors on the planning committee have any feeling for this place, a conservation area after all, I hope they will consider the impact the building will have on the environment, keeping it as low as possible, and screening it well with planting. The affect on neighbouring properties will be devastating, especially for those in North View, especially in terms of noise, hours of operation, light pollution, litter, and loss of view, and I would ask that every endeavour to minimise this is insisted upon, whatever the cost to Tesco.
Perhaps something could be redeemed from this forthcoming tragedy, if Tesco stuns us all by designing a truly eco building from sustainable sources, with a ‘seaside’ feel and sedum roof to help disguise it. I think Amble is worth it, and it’s the least that could be done to make up for what the Town is about to lose.
I have lived in Amble all my life, the braid has for most of that time been a mess and is still used continually as a drug haven for kids and usually littered with dog excrement.The braid was at best enjoyed by the people of Amble when there were such events there like the Coquet show and the odd fly by c/o the R.A.F. For some reason that has ended. For years Amble has been caught between Alnwick and Morpeth which is where all the money ends up. People seem to have a lot to say about Amble when they have only lived here for five minutes after moving from down south, having made a massive amount of money selling their homes and ending up here. These people have plenty of money at their disposal and have not experienced what its like living in a small town like Amble and having to travel to either Blyth or Ashington on a weekly basis to shop. Amble is finally being slowly dragged into the 21st century. This action may jump start some of the owners of shops in Queen street to Improve their shops and hopefully get rid of the roller shutters which look like a warzone at night. Having a large supermarket has not changed the charactor of Alnwick or Morpeth so why should it change Amble.
All those people against the new tesco being built on the braid, I bet you still use it once the store is built. Outstanding beauty, you must be joking. it is like a big field with nothing to see unless the store is going to be built next to the boathouse which is where viewing the coastline actually starts.
I agree with Paul after living on the braid (especially in the shelter of the trees) that the braid is now the home of various squatters like myself. A tesco store would increase theft as i need food and encourage gypo’s. Bring on the tesco’s!
OH NO!! we dont want any more of those sedum roofs – they look awful!
I agree with Paul, as the supermarket will be built behind Queen St it will be hidden from the main road and themajority of the Braid will be mainly undisturbed.
There’s no doubt that many people in Amble want a new supermarket, but the real questions that need to be asked are how big should it be and where’s the best place to put it. In terms of size at 30,000 sq ft it will undoubtedly have an effect on Queen Street. It’s interesting that in Wooler the developers have just withdrawn an application for a 14,000 sq ft store as the planners were recommended it for refusal based on reports coommissioned by the County Council which said the negative impacts on the town would outweigh the postive impacts. In Amble a similar report commissioned by the developers (Northumberland Estates) concluded that it wouldn’t harm the town despite being over twice the size as Wooler. As Mandy RIce Davies once said ‘Well they would say that wouldn’t they…’
In terms of location, there are actually four sites currently available for a supermarket in Amble, but everyone seems to think that the site next to the Braid is the only option. Even if it’s decided to stick with the current site there’s an alternative access route down from the Coop which wouldn’t involve crossing the Braid. So far the developers favour crossing the Braid but having just done some soil-sampling to find out what’s underneath (bear in mind how it was used as a landfill site for many years when there was little or no regulation what you could put there) they could still decide to use the route down from the Coop.
The three other locations currently available for a supermarket are 1) The land behind Tesco Express (so-called Boatyard site) which is currently up for sale as Grainger Homes are no longer keen to build there. This is the site the planners most favour as it’s well integrated with the town centre. 2) The food factory (Longbenton Foods) on the Coquet Enterprise Park which is up for sale and already has the road structure in place. A 30,000 sq ft store and car park would only occupy around half this site. 3) The land to the right of the roundabout as you enter Amble on the A1068 from the south. This is also part of the Coquet Enterprise Park, and Lidl were keen to put a store there a few years ago.
Rather than a slanging match of ‘for and against’, I hope that the debate can now turn to reviewing what are the best options for Amble, and how they will affect the people of Amble. If a supermarket is built it will change Amble forever, and everyone will be affected by the increased HGV traffic and cars coming to / from the supermarket. This is why I’ve set up a new website where everyone can have a say and ideas can be put forward and debated.
An author comments
“I am aware of few locations in the UK where a full size supermarket has been permitted so close to the coastline”.
The coastline of Britain is only a small fraction of the country and it is, therefore, not a surprise that the author knows only of a few locations.
I would like to know whether the author determined, statistically, whether the distribution of supermarkets located on the coast is greater, less or approximately the same to inland UK? If so what statistical model did the author use and what was their cut off between defining “coast” and “inland” UK? Or was the author just expressing their objective view point with no supporting information?
the supermarket is not been built behind queen street behind queen street is a residential area
the super market and carpark is been built one/two metres from north view
What a load of NIMBY’s ! I find the comment ‘build it at the top end and leave the Braid alone’ to be patronising at best and downright insulting at worst!
I looked at the plans and the supermarket and as far as I can see the car park will have no real effect on the Braid or the coastline – If it is built on the Warkworth side it will hopefully appeal to folks who live north of the town and who may well use Sainsburys in Alnwick at the moment.
There may well be other sites ‘better’ suited to the development in the eyes of those most likely to be affected but the plain truth is that Northumberland Estates and Tesco want to build there.
By the way does anyone else remember when the Braid was not an area of outstanding beauty but was a rubbish tip? I do!!!
Will somebody please tell me what is patronising and insulting about the the local way of speaking The Top End of Amble – The Bottom End of Amble?? The Industrial Estate is at the Top End of Amble – The Braid is at the Bottom End of Amble.
I suspect Alan, or anyone else, does not have a problem with the phrasing ‘top end’ and ‘bottom end’ of town. However, when it is written in the following sentence “Get the supermarket up the Top End – leave the Braid alone” it is very suggestive towards the idea that the ‘top end’ is the bad end and the ‘bottom end’ (the Braid) is the good end.
Remember also that your original comment was in response to ‘Amble resident’. So when quoted in context it is, therefore, unsurprising that some people took offence to the comment you made.
The car park will indeed have no effect on the Braid – but the proposed access road across the Braid will. That’s why Northumberland County Council recommended that the scheme should be refused as ‘it will have a major adverse effect on the Braid.’ As I’ve pointed out there is an alternative route down from the Coop which was preferred by the Council and only withdrawn by Northunberland Estates at the last minute. It may well be reconsidered bearing in mind the cost of building a road across a former landfill site.
Does the fact that Northumberland Estates and Tesco want to build on the least appropriate site mean that the people of Amble should simply go ahead with this, despite the fact it will change the town forever? Who’s interests are you supporting: the town’s or the joint developers? As I’ve again pointed out Lidl were keen to build on land to the right of the main roundabout as you come in to Amble from the south – what if they or another supermarket operator decides to reapply there?
The head of Northumberland Estates said to me that he himself would object to the access road if he lived where I do (Rivergreen) so doesn’t that make him a NIMBY as well? Wake up Alan – if this size supermarket opens where it’s currently proposed there will be traffic chaos and noise througout Amble along the A1068 and that will effect everyone, wherever you live. That’s why so many people favour the Coquet Enterprise Park where the road infrastructure already exists and the the traffic problems for the town will be much less.
Just because the Braid was once a rubbish tip but is now a much-loved open green space does that mean we should still think of it as it once was? That’s a bit like saying you (and I) were once typical teenagers and that’s how we should always be seen now that we’ve grown up and matured. You may not like or use the Braid – that’s your choice – but why should it be ruined forever for everyone else by an access road, when a better alternative exists from the Coop and a much better solution all-round exists on the Coquet Enterprise Park.
Before anyone jumps at me I am impartial to where the supermarket gets put. But I find those people against the Braid area are not defending themselves very well.
Roger- you comment “Tesco want to build on the least appropriate site”
Who has defined this the least appropriate site? You, obviously, but you need to give a full detailed explanation why you think this
Also you say “if this size supermarket opens where it’s currently proposed there will be traffic chaos and noise througout Amble along the A1068 and that will effect everyone, wherever you live. That’s why so many people favour the Coquet Enterprise Park where the road infrastructure already exists and the the traffic problems for the town will be much less”
Have you done any flow analysis of cars through Amble? I suspect not so I am not sure you can make this point. Tesco as part of their plan would have done such analysis. They pay people a lot of money to do this sort of thing
i do, just!!
Just for information, I have always considered the Wynd/Braid area to be the ‘top end’ of Amble and the Harbour to be the ‘bottom end’ – doesnt everyone?
Also I admit I have been as guilty as anyone in using those terms, BUT I hate the way the terms were being used to suggest that one part of Amble is better in some way that the other. The phrase used “Get the supermarket up the Top End – leave the Braid alone” was, I thought very patronising – just my personal opinion.
If the planners suddenly decided to build the supermarket on another site, say the enterprise park, I’ll bet the residents of Lindisfarne Avenue would be up in arms. If they decided to build on the ‘Boatyard site’ the HGV deliveries would cause havoc on Queen Street. There is no perfect site and someone is going to be unhappy wherever its built!
Finally, Roger as a matter of interest, I do like and I do use the Braid regularly but I honestly believe that the proposed access road would have very little impact on the part where the majority of people walk (ie along by the Marina and the Boat Club).
and that jobs and prosperity of Amble is more important that a little bit of extra noise and traffic
Alan – Before I join in the bun fight – is that Lindisfarne Road or Avenue that will be up in arms?
Step one back – For the record, the “bottom end” / “top end” divide are the bridges of the old railway line, nothing to do with a north/south divide that some on here seem to suggest.
Those who wax lyrical over the attractiveness of the Braid/Gut, please, have another look. England’s green and pleasant land, sorry, I don’t think so. It is what it is, a filled in tip, ex-boat building yard and now a dog exercising area (remember to wipe your feet on the way out), rather than the gateway to the Heritage Coastline.
The site for the Supermarket is not on the Braid but south of the Gut. I love the way the name of a stream changes from the prosaic “Gildean’s Burn” (of Norman extraction) to “The Gut” (a good old earthy Anglo-Saxon name), just as it it passes from the Parish of Warkworth to Amble.
As far as I can remember the site for the Store itself has always been a builders tip and ideal for development for anything apart from housing. The access across the west end of the Braid from the A1068 behind the new houses is straight forward enough and the proposed new road far enough away not to cause undue inconvenience or noise. As for North View, you have a brick building in front of you, a gym I think, you loose that and get an open vista across a car park. From the elevation drawings you onto a winner.
The only thing I don’t understand is why TESCO would want to build a Supermarket here in the first place.
It is a “Grade 2 Flood Plain”, which means that there is a high risk of flooding under current climatic conditions, let alone any future global warning predictions.
The site is invisible to the casual visitor. All supermarkets rely on being “in your face”, next time you go shopping to ASDA or Morrisons see how visible they are, how they stands out. Now drive from Warkworth and look at the Amble sky line, the proposed building with it’s new hight restrictions, you won’t see it
The access arrangements to the store involve a 500mtr detour out of town, north along the 1068 towards Warkworth and are not particularly convenient to the average amble resident (either top end or bottom end).
If I was Mr TE Stockwell Co, I would be looking for somewhere that offers easy access for customers and delivery, cheap land and a high profile location that did not intrude on the local environment. That would be Amble Industrial Estate then.
The phase “Railroaded” comes to mind.
My view is that the Supermarket has been offered at a cut down rate to Tesco as a means to develop the other parcel of land for the 40+ houses Northumberland Estates intend to build at the rear of the bowling club. I would point out that in the view of the elected Councillors that this is not the case and this was expressively stated at the public meeting last month. The development of the Supermarket was the issue at hand and not the planning considerations for the 35% affordable housing.
The 60k sweetener from Tesco to the local “benevolent fund” has been offered and accepted, by the chairman and the land for the access road across the braid has been sold by Northumberland County Council to the developers.
But in my opinion, Frankly, boys and girls, I fear we’ve been shafted.
Alan, do get off your soap box! I don’t think you are in the position to criticize me, with your, ‘What a load of Nimby’s’.
What is a Nimby anyway? I like to know what it is I’m being called.
Queen Street is the dividing zone between the Top and Bottom of Amble – Anything else is Out of Bounds and does not count …………So there ! ! !
You are not alone. The comment by coquetbird was derogatory, and I alluded to this earlier
Firstly in response to Carly, the most appropriate site – according to the planners – is the Boatyard site. That’s where Alnwick District Council wanted to see it put because it is the best integrated site with the town centre. I agree that it would still cause traffic problems, but I don’t think the HGV traffic would be routed down Queen Street itself. The proposed site (south of the Gut) may be near the town centre, but the access route across the Braid means all traffic having to go out of the town and back in again, which in planning terms means it could be considered an edge of town development (as would be the Coquet Enterprise Park sites.) If the alternative access route down from the Coop were used, it would then become much better integrated with the town centre and hence a more appropriate site (in planning terms) and wouldn’t impact on the Braid.
Secondly Tesco have not done any traffic flow analysis. They are relying instead on the anlaysis done by Northumberland Estates back in 2007. Can I suggest you look at this report Alan as you will see that the greatly increased predicted traffic levels on the Braid (both HGV and customer cars) will have a major adverse effect on the whole area, as this report readily admits. Take a look at the proposed design for the junction from the A1068 (no roundabout, traffic lights or pedestrian crossing…) and think about how HGV’s are going to get round the sharp left hand bend opposite the Wellwood, not to mention traffic queing to leave town on High Street turning right towards Warkworth from the same junction.
Lastly I agree that jobs and the prosperity of Amble are very important, especially in today’s economic climate. But it’s important to remember that many of the ‘new’ jobs at Tesco will be part-time, and many of these jobs will be at the expense of existing jobs – Tesco Express will close, and other shops in Queen Street are sure to be affected. Overall it’s possible that there will be a net loss of jobs, as Tesco will not employ local tradesmen like plumbers, electricians etc or professional advisers (surveyors, accountants etc.) but will use their own empoyees or national contractors.
Roger I am not arguing but
“Secondly Tesco have not done any traffic flow analysis”
Trust me they have!! Do you honestly think the structural engineering company Tesco would have a contract with have not done any flow analysis????? You build a supermarket hoping to make loads of money… the only way you are going to make loads of money is if you know customers can get to the supermarket and can get back home from the supermarket. All structural engineering companies employ people to do this and these people get loads of money for this!!
This information won’t get published and why should it? I’ll explain why it doesn’t get published:
1- You cannot protect this sort of data
2- If you cannot protect the data and if the plans then fall through and let’s say Sainsbury’s come along… Sainsbury’s would just knick the data!!
The point I was trying to make is the following
1- Tesco want to have an access route along the Braid
2- You don’t want the access route long the Braid
3- The people who decide are the councillors
When Tesco pitched their original idea they would have had endless data to support why they wanted an access route along the Braid- the data would explain why they thought it the best option. If you don’t want the route along the Braid you need to go to the councillors with very good evidence why you think an alternate route is better. Making points like “back in 2007” and “I THINK traffic would be a problem along this road but not this road” will not get your voice heard.
As I said the structural engineering company Tesco have a contract with will do this for them- they employ experts
Carly I’ve just posted a response to your latest comment. I’ve just noticed I’ve called you Tracey not Carly for which I apologise. My wife currently has a friend round called Tracey and so her name must have been on my mind. Once again I apologise for the error. I would also like to make the point that I’m very happy to discuss the whole supermarket issue with you in person if you wish. Regards, Roger Armsden
Tracy, with the greatest respect I still think you’re wrong. Firstly Tesco are not a ‘structural engineering company’ they are a supermarket operator. They may employ structural engineers as contractors but if they do so the reports such engineers produce have to become part of the planning application. If you look back over both the original (outline) application and the latest (Reserved Matters) application the only traffic report was produced in 2007 by Fairhurst & Partners on behalf of Northumberland Estates. If you would like to produce a traffic analysis report from Tesco I’d be very interested to see it, but right now you’re asking me to just ‘trust you’ that it exists.
What a supermarket operator wants is a ‘branded entrance’ and a route that ideally doesn’t involve going through town traffic. That is why they prefer the entrance from the Braid rather than the upper Coop, or indeed why they might like either of the sites on the Coquet Enterprise Park. You may say ‘this is just your opinion Roger’ but what I’ve just said comes direct from Northumberland Estates. If Tesco were to pull out I think you would find that it would be Asda and Morrisons who might be interested, not Sainsburys.
As to your last point I agree that it is the councillors who ultimately decide, rightly of wrongly. The planning department at Alnwick District Council were recommending that the current scheme be refused because of the major adverse impact on the Braid. If you don’t believe me look back and read the Officers Report on the meeting (May 2009.) What happened is at the planning meeting Cllr Arkless (who was the only local councillor on the committee) persuaded his fellow committee members from as far away as Wooler and Berwick that he thought the potential regeneration benefits of a supermarket in Amble outweighed the major adverse impact on the Braid. That’s his opinion, shared by many others, but not everyone. The planners – who are the independent experts – were recommending refusal and would have preferred a supermarket on the Boatyard site.
As I keep pointing out there are four potential sites currently available, each of which has its merits and disdadvantages. There are two access routes on the proposed site, one across the Braid, the other from the Coop. I’m not trying to say I’m right, and everybody else is wrong. I’m trying to say let’s debate all these options, rather than say there’s only one that should be considered. If nothing else I hope you will accept that I have gone in to this in great detail (as my answers show) and I am trying to share this knowledge with as many people as possible to help them make up their own opinion.
Roger no offence was taken, and I have not been suggesting any of your thoughts are incorrect. I am just reminding you that you are against a company that is happy to throw money in to secure what they want; they don’t mind (care?) residents saying “we dont like it”
My last message never suggested Tesco was a structural engineering company. The design team will involve Tesco (the money), an architect, a structural engineering company and the builders. The last message implied Tesco would have a contract with an eng company
The point being made is that the structural engineering company will simulate traffic to make sure cars can get in and out/lorries can get in and out. They don’t necessarily have to make this information available to the public so i would never have this information. I am just explaining how structural engineering companies work
For completeness, a chartered structural engineer wrote the message and this is why the message read “trust me”
FYI: NIMBY = Not In My Backyard
The building of a supermarket on the outskirts of Alnwich has led to the demise of that town, as it has to many other small town across Britain. It will do the same for Amble.
The Braid is the wrong place for the supermarket if it has to be built. As so many others have said the industrial site would have been far better. It’s more accessible and wouldnt spoil a bonnie bit of greenery in the middle of our town
What am I going to do – vigorously campaign to encourage everyone to vote against any current Amble town and Northumberland County councillor at the next elections. We have been sold down the river by people we elected to represent us. Shame on you all.
Oh dear ! Alan’s not going to like this one – Not In His Backyard
coquetbird – I dont understand? what wont I like?
The point I have been trying to make is that wherever the supermarket is built , someone will be unhappy!
As it happens, with the decision this week to approve planning permission for the Gut site it seems to be a fait acomplis now anyway and I, for one look forward to shopping in the new store.
Absolutely agree. Yes the Town does need a quality supermarket, we need the jobs if nothing else, but there is no way on God’s Earth that it should be built next to the Braid. Not for the esoteric reasons the NIMBY brigade here would argue, but because the Industrial Estate is simply a better site for ever reason under the sun, unless of course you are Northumberland Estates.
I believe in democracy (probably one of the few disillusioned who still does!), but I did expect the elected officials not to sell us short. I have to say, to understate, I am very disappointed.
Would I vote for the elected body again? That depends who else stands for election. It is getting close to the point where I think some should go quietly with the grace they deserve for the many years of public service they have given to the Town and perhaps this whole sorry affair should be the catalyst.
But will I shop at the new TESCO if it is built on the Braid? Like everybody else – absolutely, Paul Wilson is dead right on that count! (Except for sausages and meat pies, I”ll get those from outlet on Queen Street, oh and flowers as well, oh and newspapers, oh and, well anything else, I can get cheaper, fresher or better quality really).
We have interesting time ahead.
Remember, a few years ago, a song by a group called Space, the song was titled Neighbourhood, and a particular line in the song was ‘we will all be waiting when the bulldozers come’…………… Just a thought!!!
I would happily get arrested just to stop them digging up the Braid.
Here is my proposal to Tescos, pi## off to the industrial estate and whilst you are at it, you can pay to develop the old cambell smiths area into gardens with benches for people to take in the outstanding views that the braid has to offer, I feel a lot of sabotage coming you way if you touch Ambles Braid and I hope your on site security is well prepared for the hassle I personally promise to deliver, and if the police know what is best they will stay well clear.
in fact, message for the police, try chasing the owners of the dogs who let them crap everywhere (the dogs that is) and chasing the kids that use the braid to run riot, I understand Amble needs this but cant understand why the Industrial estate can’t be used, after all the infrastrusture is already in place.
Sabotage, every little helps
DZL- It’s a Tesco Supermarket, not Greenham Common!
Al – With storm clouds gathering over the Braid. Tesco might need guided missiles ! !
Its our Greenham Common!, get it on the Northumberland foods site (never seen that coming!!) and get some of the folks now out of work back into work, just stay off the Braid
Dzl — Greenham Common was a WOMAN’S peace camp !!
DZL – I wish I’d never mentioned Greenham Common and perhaps I should have used the Newbury Bypass instead! The issues of Greenham Common were far more reaching than an issue of local planning permission for a Supermarket. In the 1980’s the USAAF Airbase at RAF Greenham Common bacame a political centre stage when it was released that the basing of a first strike nuclear capability by a foreign power (the USA) was from UK sovereign territory. Not surprisingly this did not go down well with CND and other allied organisations resulting in the what SAL rightly calls the Women’s Peace Camp. The nukes have now gone, although I was never sure if that was the success of the Peace Camp or other political changes. Anyway the USAAF Greenham Airbase has now been ploughed up and turned back to farm land along with the Peace Camp. Maybe there is hope for everything.
But remember this, once the fence goes up and work starts then the dye is cast. You can chain you self to the fence or try to tear it down and be a martyr if you want, but you wont achieve anything. Once the ground work starts we’ve lost and the game is over.
Assuming we have not lost already. Can anybody tell me exactly were we are?
Yes Al – In the Tesco Waiting Room !!
I don’t get this talk of the industrial estate being the place for the supermarket. It was NEVER an option folks!
Meg you’re right, the Industrial Estate wasn’t an option mainly because Cheviot Foods had not gone down the tubes at that time so there was not a “brown field” site to consider on the Industrial Estate. But also tied to the Supermarket site south of the Braid are the plans for the 40+ “affordable” houses that Northumberland Estates are going to make a lot of money on.
As I said in a previous post it is time to move on and accept the benefits this new venture will hopefully bring – and whether we think this is the right or wrong location , the bottom line is that the town need this investment.
i was brought up in amble lived there for 35years but moved away,recently i was over for a holiday and to me amble has changed for the worse, no decent shop for to buy clothes,plenty of food shops,all the people seem to do is moan about changes,but never seem to do anything about it,once tesco builds this super market which they will all the people will be in as soon as the doors open.