Colins Column

Posted on 15th February 2011 | in Community

Happy New Year from Colin’s Column – here’s the first batch of the useful and quirky the Internet has to offer for 2011.

Dead or Alive?
Ever had that debate with your family watching some old film – is that person dead or alive?  This site satisfies all morbid curiosities about the fate of famous people, neatly organising them in ‘dead’ and ‘alive’ sections with the ability to search by name.  For all you stat fans, you can see people who lived to 100, died before they were 30 and other collections. 
Hip Hop Grams
Yes it’s that time of year – love is in the air and Valentine’s Day is almost upon us.  Instead of sending your loved one chocolates or flowers, send them a personalised Hip Hop Gram.  This site inserts the name of the person closest to you into a ‘rap’ – and there’s several different choons to choose from.
Rotten Tomatoes
Is it a fruit or vegetables?  Who cares – because Rotten Tomatoes is a movie review website with a twist – they take reviews from several sources, both critics and site users, and aggregate them to give each movie a score.  So you can view their score on the custom Tomatometer to see if your movie is Fresh or Rotten.
Which Book
Just finished reading a book, not sure what next to read?  This site has a very handy tool to enable you to search for books not by words, but by a series of sliders.  Each slider can be placed between two moods such as “happy or sad”, “funny or serious” and so on.  A list of books is shown along with a handy link to your local library to reserve the book.

Computing phrase of the day –  “Trojan Horse ”
A Trojan horse is a malicious program or virus that is disguised as legitimate software.  The term is derived from the classical myth of the Trojan horse. A Trojan horse appears innocuous (or even to be a gift), but in fact is a vehicle for bypassing security.

Colin Harris is a freelance website developer with 16 years experience, and his office is in Queen Street, Amble.

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