Coquet Churches Together: Reaching out to everyone

Posted on 07th February 2012 | in Community

Christmas is now a distant memory and we are well in to the New Year and new challenges, of which there are plenty. Local Christians and particularly those actively involved in the running of local churches, are very much aware of the effect of the economic situation on people’s lives and are looking at ways in which they can make a difference.

One way is to work together more effectively, and last month Christians all over the world, including Amble, celebrated Christian unity.

Another is to look at reaching out to involve people more fully and Coquet Churches Together is working on a programme for the coming year which aims to do just that.

The Rev Alison Mills, from St Mark’s United Reformed Church, will be taking the lead in this year’s Lent discussion group, leading people’s thoughts up to Easter with regular meetings. The meetings are open to all people and start on Tuesday February 28th at 7.30pm at Trinity Methodist church. They continue on 6th, 20th and 27th March.

The annual Lent lunches start the following day on Wednesday February 29th in the Parish Hall at 12 noon. As usual they include a bowl of broth, a roll and a cup of tea and will include reflections by church volunteers, using music, poems and stories.  Donations this year will go to the Coquet Churches Together mission and outreach. The lunches take place every Wednesday from then for five weeks, same place, same time, with refreshments being prepared by different churches each week.

Other planned church outreach activities include a pancake race on Saturday February 18th at 10.30am in the Town Square, tea and hot cross buns after the Good Friday service at 10.45am in the Town Square.

For further information about this or any other Christian activity in Amble, please contact Coquet Churches Together Hon. Secretary Mrs Sue Poyer on 711956 or the Chair, the Rev. Diane Westmoreland on 714560 (between 9am – 8pm).

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