Artograffi: December 2014 – January 2015

Welcome to our Christmas edition, from Catherine, Annabel, Niamh M, Niamh S, Freya, Romy, Hope, Martha, Victoria, Gaby and Lily in…
Winter Poetry
Winter is golden bells ringing and jingling joyfully in the faded distance.
Winter is green-wrapped presents being torn and ripped open, eagerly and excitedly.
Winter is hot chocolate silently bubbling in the warm cup, peacefully.
Winter is orange gingerbread being snapped gently in someone’s hands.
Winter is plunging into icy, cold silver snow.
By Niamh S
Winter is: Orange, yellow, grey, pink and white.
Orange carols warm singing.
Yellow fire leaping flames.
Grey smoke a cloud of grey cough.
Pink sweets popping in your mouth.
White frost a slippery danger.
By Catherine
Bronze laughter, funny faces
Purple presents, wrapping paper
Brown hot chocolate, white marshmallows
Peach roast yummy spuds
Rose PJ’s, comfy
By Gabby
When snow is falling and children are a-calling for presents.
Everybody wrapping up in blankets, coats and hats.
Do you think Santa will come on his sleigh?
Maybe he will bring some slippers to warm and soothe my feet.
Maybe he will bring some cocoa to soothe my timid tongue.
By Annabel
In your hands, keeping them nice and warm, a big cup of cocoa with little marshmallows.
Staring at the clock hoping it’s the morning.
Bursting with excitement ‘cause its nearly here. The most festive day of the year.
You’re all snug in your P.Js watching T.V, your mum sitting next to you with a nice cup of tea.
You are finally in bed just hours to go until the morning to get covered in snow.
With presents galore and food by the dozen.
It is my favourite winter day by far all these wonderful things they are best by far.
Holly on trees as spiky as can be, with little red berries so cute and sweet.
By Martha
Santa’s lost reindeer
One day Santa was with his new reindeer who is called Rudolph.
Rudolph had a bright flashing red nose which the others laughed about.
Poor Rudolph had felt the odd one out from the other baby reindeers.
Santa knew what was up, so he let Rudolph help pull his sleigh on Christmas Eve.
Off they went with all the big reindeers. Rudolph felt nervous, but he noticed that Santa had dropped a present. It was nowhere to be seen, so Rudolph jumped out to look.
As he jumped, he fell next to a house, but the sleigh carried on and Rudolph was left all alone. He began
to cry.
The house belonged to Santa’s friend Jack Frost. Jack Frost was there when Rudolph was born, so when
Rudolph cried he opened the door and said “Rudolph, poor you, what happened?”
Jack Frost let Rudolph in and called Santa, who was relieved. Santa came and brought him home. Now
Rudolph is going flying on the sleigh for Santa, and with his red bright nose.
By Hope
Is it better to be an only child at christmas?
Do only children get the most presents? Or is it best to have a brother and sister or twins or whatever, but who gets more presents at Christmas?
I asked Artograffi – is it better to be an only child?
Lily said “I have a sister. It is nice to have my sister because we share stuff but when you are an only child you get more presents.”
Anna says “I have a step family and I like having siblings because I get more presents”
Niamh says “I am an only child and I love being one, because you get more presents and if I did have siblings I would have to share.”
Romy says “ I have an older brother and I like having a sibling on Christmas because we play with him.”
Mark says “Siblings are better, it is more a celebration but the bad thing is my birthday is on Boxing Day and so I just get a Christmas and birthday present mixed together.”
Catherine says “ I have a brother and I think it is better to have siblings because I do not get lonely”
So who knows, but what do you think?
By Hope
Be safe, be seen
Children from Nursery and Reception at Amble Links School were given ‘Be safe, be seen’ badges by Claire Hudspith of Amble Cooperative funeralcare and CSO Darin Fawcett.
The children heard about the importance of wearing fluorescent coats or bright coloured coats when walking to and from school.
Claire handed out fluorescent badges so the children could wear them on their coats and
be safe.
New Royal baby
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting another baby in April. Just like the first time Kate was pregnant, she is sick again but her sickness is improving. Their second baby will be fourth in line to the throne.
By Martha
Binky and the Christmas tree
Binky is a young panda who gets up to an awful lot of trouble!’
Binky puffed as he dragged the large piece of bamboo into his room and plonked it down into the corner.
It was Christmas Eve and he had tried to pick the stick with the most branches so he could hang the grass and flower baubles on it. There were about 42 baubles and 3 branches.
Binky sighed as he only managed to get about 2 on each branch and then, as the cherry on the completely ruined cake, the bamboo fell down on top of him.
He pushed it back into the corner and was about to walk away when it fell straight back onto him.
“I wish I could have a proper Christmas tree!” mumbled Binky grumpily, pulling the bamboo back up.
He didn’t get to sleep that night because of the tree falling down every five seconds. First he tried
tying it back to the wall, but the thin vine snapped and sent it tumbling back down. Then he tried ignoring it, yet the rustle of leaves on the floor seemed not to stop at all.
Just as he was about to stomp on it and break it, Binky heard a thump and a jollylooking
panda, clothed in red, fell down into the fire place.
“Panda Claus!” Binky cried and ran to help him up, “Are you ok?”
“Ho, ho, ho, of course I am! The question is, are you? That tree’s been keeping you up for ages!”
With that he produced a perfect Christmas tree, Binky ran to look at it, but when he turned round, Panda Claus was gone.
Binky went to bed, dreaming of presents, Christmas trees and Panda Christmas!
By Lily
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
This year Ali Baba and the forty thieves is Warkworth drama group’s pantomime. It will be performed on the 11th 12th and 13th of December. We think you should go and see it because it is epic and if you can, make the effort to see it. No pressure!!!!
Our amazing director Antonia Hoskins has worked very hard to put this performance together.
Hope you can make it!!!!!
By Victoria and Gaby

Ebola is a horrible disease which is killing lots of people in Africa and all around the world and has killed over 5,000 people and 75,200 are infected with Ebola.
The people in Africa start by feeling sick so they will be stuck in bed and then will start getting a horrible fever with bleeding and it starts anywhere between 2 and 21 days after exposure to the Ebola virus.
Scientists are still working on a cure but there are treatments that are helping people get better. The most important thing is keeping your distance, so the doctors have to cover their mouths and wear big suits that cover their entire body so if someone touches them, they don’t get the virus.
By Romy