Amble children pay their respects to the fallen

Posted on 11th November 2016 | in Amble Town Council , Brambles Nursery , Community , King Edwin Primary , News


Brambles nursery children and staff

Children from Brambles nursery and Amble First school gathered to pay their respects to the fallen of all wars, in an Armistice Day ceremony at Amble’s war memorial.

At 11 am on 11 November, in the cold bright autumn sunshine, a large gathering of over a hundred children and adults joined in a Remembrance service, and stood quietly and solemnly during the two minute silence.

Army veteran Peter Proctor-Cannon recited a passage from Robert Laurence Binyon’s ‘For the Fallen’:

They shall not grow old
as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condem.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning
We will remember them


Amble First School (Edwin Street) with parents and teachers

Rev Velda Nicholson led prayers and an intercession

“Let us pray for the peace of the world:
for statesmen and rulers that they may have wisdom to know and courage to do what is right…
for all who work to improve international relationships that they may find the true way to reconcile people of different race, colour, and creed…
and for men and women the world over that they may have justice and freedom and live in security and peace…”


Wreaths were layed by Amble Co-op funeralcare, Brambles’ nursery and Amble First school. Poppy crosses were also placed in the memorial garden.

co-op-funeralcare rev-velda-nicholson-peter-proctor-cannon helen-lewis-peter-proctor-cannon
Co-op funeralcare Rev Velda Nicholson and Peter Proctor-Cannon Helen Lewis of Amble Town Council and army veteran Peter Proctor-Cannon
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