How to contact Amble police

There are several ways to contact Northumbria police
Northumbria Police and Northumberland County Council are working together locally to tackle anti social behaviour, crime and disorder in order to make Amble a safe and pleasant place to live and work.
We have responded to a number of community concerns, which has resulted in Orders being issued to a number of individuals, closer local working partnerships and the demolition of a set of garages, which were a local ASB hot spot.
We are aware that some concerns remain and we would like to continue working with the community to tackle these. We are always grateful for the information we receive from members of the community and would like to encourage anyone who has concerns or information to get in touch with us.
To this end we are increasing the ways in which you can do this. This includes direct letter drops to premises, comment forms being available in a number of shops and community facilities and direct reporting via the NCC and Police online reporting forms. This is not designed to replace the usual reporting methods but to pass information in relation to community issues.
Should you wish to make contact in the mean time, you can do so via the methods below:
Northumbria police
- Call 101 and ask to speak to a member of Amble community policing team
- Report online here
Northumberland County Council
- Call 0345 600 6400 – and ask for Public Protection
- E mail us at
- complete an online reporting form here