Corona Diary: Day 51-54
The diary of a student who is no longer in school, following what this new virus means for us.
The lock down has meant that we’ve missed out on quite a lot of things. I’ve hated not being able to do the everyday things like going to school and seeing my friends, but there’s also a lot of special things that were going to happen that people are missing as well.
For me that’s meant not doing my GCSEs, which were due to start on Tuesday. It’s weird that everything we’ve been working towards for two years isn’t happening anymore, and now while we’re doing almost nothing we should’ve been revising non stop. However, it is nice to not have the stress of doing the exams. It would not have been a fun month.
One of the more fun things that I’m going to miss out on because of the lock down is prom, which would’ve been a nice end to the school year with my friends, celebrating the end of exams. That’s not going to happen anymore, but my sister decided to bring prom to our house instead.

Some of my sister’s prom decorations.
She made sure our family all got dressed up nicely, with me in my prom dress, then we cooked up pizzas and ate party food. We did karaoke and dancing and she decorated the living room in paper chains and fairy lights. It was really fun to get dressed up and have a party, even if it was just the four of us, and my sister organised it perfectly.
However, as much as I loved our prom at home, it would’ve been great to have that experience of going to a party with all my friends knowing that our exams are over and it’s the start of the summer holidays. Hopefully we’ll all get to do something together once the lock down is over- JCSC have said they plan to do a prom for us as soon as they can!
by Lily Tibbitts
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