Corona Diary: Day 48-50
The diary of a student who is no longer in school, following what this new virus means for us.
Walking down the street to see all the flags and bunting in people’s windows, union jacks everywhere to celebrate VE Day, is quite a nice change. It gives the whole place a sense of community spirit, even when we aren’t allowed to see each other, and the celebrations on Friday showed this too.
I could smell barbecues as I went for a run on Friday, and by the time I got home there was music too. It brought a smile to my face to hear people singing in their gardens. It’s a shame that an event like this had to happen during lock down- it would’ve been nice to be able to go out and celebrate with friends, or invite family around for dinner, but it still proved to be a fun day.

Some of the decorations around our street.
But that isn’t the only reason some people have been celebrating the past few days. The government has announced that some of the lock down restrictions might be lifted, and that is, in some ways, a very exciting concept. I love the idea of being able to go out a bit more, even if it isn’t back to normal life.
Although I have been daydreaming about going for a picnic or a walk with my friends, there’s also a lot of anxiety around the idea of lifting even a small amount of the restrictions. Are we really safe to go out? It doesn’t seem like much has changed, and even going out a little more than usual could put us at risk.
I don’t know if there’s a good time to come out of lock down, or if we’re ready to. I just know that the idea of going back out now is very scary. The thought of going back to everyday life has kept me happy, but now that we could be starting to do that it’s clear that actually doing that is going to be harder than I thought.
by Lily Tibbitts
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