Hauxley Parish Council report: #123

Posted on 21st August 2020 | in Hauxley Parish Council

Socially Distanced Litter Pick
WE ARE HOLDNG a socially distanced community litter pick on Saturday 8th August meeting at the Village Hall at 9.30am. All equipment will be provided but volunteers are asked to bring their own gloves.
The litter pick will cover the village square, dunes, beach and verges from Low Hauxley to High Hauxley. We hope to see you there.

Hauxley Neighbourhood Plan
We recently appointed Jo-Anne Garrick Ltd as our Planning Consultant. Jo-Anne has significant experience in a variety of senior planning roles in a range of public sector organisations and more recently in the private sector having undertaken a number of commissions providing Neighbourhood Planning support across the County.
We also secured an initial grant of £2,400 from Locality and Groundwork UK to commence the Planning Process.
The Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group will reconvene on Monday 10th August with Councillors and residents present to move the plan forward.
We hope to undertake further engagement exercises within the parish in the coming months to obtain feedback on draft visions, objectives and themes for planning policies and community actions. It is expected the plan will take approx. 24 months to complete.

Accounts for year ending March 2020
The Accounts for year ending 31st March 2020 have been checked by our Internal Auditor and have been approved by the Parish Council.

Hauxley Parish Council audited accounts 2020

A summary of our accounts is attached here. The full Annual Governance and Accountability Return is available to view on our website. Any person interested has the right to inspect these accounting records and they will be made available until 28th August.

Traffic Issues in Hauxley
Of recent, there have been issues with cars parking on verges and blocking access to properties from the Beacon Hill car park into Low Hauxley. With the help of County Councillor Clark, temporary signage was installed at the junction to Low Hauxley stating ‘local access only’. More permanent measures to address the issue of inconsiderate parking will be looked at over the coming months. Visitors to Hauxley are urged to use the car park provided.
We recently asked Northumberland County Council about the possibility of introducing a 20mph speed limit between High Hauxley and Low Hauxley to create a safer route for pedestrians. The Highways Senior Programmes Officer is currently looking at a scheme. He will run the plan past the Parish Council for comment and has confirmed that there is funding available to implement the scheme this financial year.

Future meetings
The next meeting of the Parish will be held at 6.30pm on Monday 14th September. For further details please visit our website:  https://northumberlandparishes.uk/hauxley

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