Prospect of six months’ curfew ‘very worrying’
With the local lockdown restrictions now established, and the prospect of another six months of a 10pm curfew – or even worse – for the hospitality trade, businesses are anxious about the future.
Angie Thompson of Angie’s bar told The Ambler “I’m absolutely gutted at the 10pm curfew. I get and agree with a lot of the restrictions, we already wear face coverings and do table service. But I don’t see how a 10pm close will help.

Halloween 2019 at Angie’s Bar
“It’s a big blow to an already troubled trade. Also it’s hard on some customers, a few of my customers work in restaurants and don’t get finished till 10pm, so enjoy the last couple of hours we are open. It’s going to affect a lot of people.”
Ruth Charlton of the Old Boat House and the Fish Shack told The Ambler she wondered where and when the restrictions would end. She described some customers as looking worried at times.
“It’s very sad for the pub trade” she told The Ambler. “Some of these pubs in our local area rely on service after 10pm.
“Customers who eat with us enjoy moving on to enjoy a local beer or two in locals bars and restaurants. It is very sad and our thoughts are with our colleagues who own or operate establishments which rely on trade after 10pm.”
Ruth said that their staff often go out to local pubs after their shifts.
“Our team of staff work so hard – even harder at this moment in time because of restrictions and added pressure and whilst we totally understand these measures are necessary to try and minimise the virus spread, our future worry is where and when will these measures end.
“The Boathouse has lost a bit of soul; there’s no seats at the bar.” she said “There’s just a general feeling of anxiety overall.”
Anna Williams
I don’t see what difference it makes if you close at 10 or 1am in the morning the virus has no brain just like the government, if you abide by the 2 metre rule and wear a mask where possible you are being responsible.
if these businesses close you lose the heart of your community, or is that what the government want.
the virus is here and we must learn to live with it as we have with flu or any other virus and stop the panic mongering.