Hauxley Parish Council report #125

Posted on 08th December 2020 | in Hauxley Parish Council

Neighbourhood Planning – consultation
The engagement exercise on the draft vision, objectives, policy themes and community actions as part of the preparation of the Hauxley Neighbourhood Plan ended on 23rd October. We received 26 responses which is a great return so thank you to all who submitted feedback. The comments are currently being collated and will be used to inform further work and the preparation of a draft neighbourhood plan. The Neighbourhood Steering Group meeting is planning a series of meetings between now and early 2021 to discuss the consultation results across the themes of the natural environment, the built environment and community action. It’s really important to the Parish that we get continued engagement so we will be asking for further feedback on the draft neighbourhood plan following these discussions early in 2021.

Highways matters
The Parish Council have invited a Northumberland County Highways Officer to visit the parish for a walk about to enable them to better understand the highways issues facing the village e.g. speeding, options for traffic calming and parking on verges.

Maintenance in the Village
The Parish Council will be arranging some routine maintenance of the public seats ahead of spring 2021 and are looking at the feasibility and costs of installing a new noticeboard at Kirkwell Cottages.

Christmas 2020
The Christmas Tree should now be in position in Hauxley Village and we hope it will bring a welcome boost to the local community during these trying times.
On behalf of the Council we would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and we look forward to being able to see each other a bit more in 2021!

Future meetings
An Ordinary meeting of the Parish would be held at 6.30pm on Monday 11th January 2021 via Zoom.

Email: hauxleypc@gmail.co.uk Website: https:// northumberlandparishes.uk/hauxley

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