Elections on 6 May
Make a date for 6 May, when you can exercise your vote to elect representatives for Northumberland County Council, and our Police and Crime Commissioner.
If you are not already registered to vote, you should do so by 19 April. Because of Covid restrictions, you may prefer to vote by post. If you haven’t already had a postal vote application form, you have until 20 April to apply for one.

List of candidates for Amble’s two Northumberland County Council wards
We always encourage everyone to vote – think of it as a civic duty. Or at the very least, if you don’t vote, you can’t really complain at the result! A full list of all candidates will be published by the County Council by 9 April.
Amble can have up to nine town councillors in the three town wards; East, West and Central. However all the current councillors are standing again, so there will not be an election. There is still a vacancy in the Central ward.
We will also be asked to choose two county councillors, one for each of the county wards: Amble, and Amble West with Warkworth. You can see the full list of those standing for the County Council here
There are four people standing for Northumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner
Here is the list of the candidates
You can access more information on Northumberland County Council’s website: www.northumberland.gov.uk/elections.aspx