Amble Food Bank update

Amble food bank team
Amble Food Bank would like to thank our local communities for their overwhelming generosity, particularly during such challenging times with the current cost of living crisis. Food donations continue to come in via Morrisons and the Co-op. We hope that people will continue to be as generous as they feel they can. We are truly grateful for every single item donated – each one really does make a difference.
We were able to provide children with enhanced lunch parcels during the summer holidays, accessing funding we received through the Co-op Local Community Fund.
Co-op members who chose our charity as their local cause raised an amazing £2,902.49! Thank you to the Co-op for making this possible.
Megan Boyd completed the Great North Run in September in aid of AFB – a huge thank you to her for raising £711.40 for our charity! Local schools and churches were incredibly generous with their Harvest Festival donations. Special thanks go to St. Cuthbert’s Church, Trinity Methodist Church, St Mark’s URC, Hauxley Methodist Church, Amble Links First School, Amble First School, Broomhill First School and NCEA Warkworth Primary. Thank you again to Alexa’s Canine Trust who continue to donate cat and dog food to Amble Food Bank.
We have closed our Just Giving page for the time being. Thank you to all those who donated. This has reached a total of £867. With the increase in referrals to AFB, we now have to carry out regular large food shops (currently averaging £1,800 a month). Should you wish to make a financial donation to help with this, cash or a cheque can be addressed to us and posted through the letter box at Trinity Methodist Church. Or you can do a bank transfer via: Amble Food Bank, sort code 77-20-04, account number 17925260. We are registered with HMRC, so if you pay tax you can Gift Aid any donations (email us for a form). We have collection tins at the Co-op, The Farm Bakery and The Boat Shed Gallery at Amble Harbour Village. A huge thank you for all financial donations that we receive. Without these and food donations, we simply would cease to exist.
If you are in need, you can get a referral through an agency such as CAB, your local school or Health Visitor. Or contact Northumberland Communities Together on 01670 620015, 9-6pm.
Any general enquiries may be emailed to