Trust Life #139
Hello everyone, let us start by dashing those winter blues away and welcoming in spring!
Investment Plan
We started off the year with a community workshop to build an Investment Plan for the town and at this stage would like to thank everyone who attended and brought ideas forward.
We needed innovative and inspirational ideas that will attract funding and continue to bring jobs and prosperity to the town. Once the Plan has been adopted by NCC, it will be available to the public.
Refurbishment at Welfare
The next formal consultation is to be on the proposed refurbishment of the MUGAs (Multi Use Games Areas) at the Welfare. NCC are submitting applications for up to 12 locations for either new or refurbishment of Playzones which are MUGAs by another name. Amble will be in the first tranche and if successful work will begin in early summer this year.
I’m afraid this Ambler edition was too late for any contributions to the consultation but we did made the information available on the Ambler website, social media and leaflets to ensure the info was spread as wide as possible.
In addition we have been successful with an application to NCC for S106 funding to relay the rubber crumb surface on the childrens play area. S106 is the fund council’s hold for developer contributions for community benefit, usually from housing development.
Neighbourhood Plan
Still on the community development aspect, we have so far received 60 responses to the poll in the Ambler asking if the town should initiate a Neighborhood Plan. This was the target we set as it is approx. 1% of the current Amble population.
This information has been forwarded to Amble Town Council who are the responsible body for taking this forward. Discussions are ongoing.
Royal visit for Bord Waalk?
We are hopeful of a Royal visit to officially open the trail – more later once it is confirmed.

At the time of writing we still have one remaining sculpture to install on Horseshoe Hill. This sculpture has proven to be more difficult to fabricate than the artist imagined. However we have been assured it is nearly complete.
The app is just about ready to be released once all installations are done. We will also be printing leaflets because we are aware that not everyone wants or uses a smartphone.
We would also like to offer local /Amble businesses the opportunity to have their business listed on the Bord Waalk website.
We have a section called ‘Make the most of your visit to Amble’. If you would like to be listed please get in touch, with the information you would like included.
Community orchard
Plans for the Orchard are currently on hold. While we have secured funding for more fruit trees it won’t be released until later this year.
Contact us
Our job search facilities are now open from 9.30 – 11.30 each week day. If you would like to contact the Ambler or require a CV you can do so by ringing: 01665 712929 or emailing or
Julia, all Trust staff and Trustees