Amble’s largest ever art exhibition

Posted on 05th May 2023 | in Arts , Community , Heritage & Tourism , What's On

The Dovecote Street Show, Amble’s largest art exhibition is currently in a new exhibition space at the Dovecote Centre. It will bring together a wide array of contemporary art in Amble.

Fifty artists will exhibit at the show

The project is organised by painter Luke McTaggart and photographer Jim Donnelly, in partnership with the Northumberland Theatre Company who are based in the Dovecote Centre. The initiative has received the backing of Amble Town Council who have purchased exhibition boards on behalf of the show.

The exhibition showcases the breadth of talent both in the area as well as across the wider North East. With a total of 50 participants, representing painting, printmaking, photography and sculpture, it is hoped that the exhibition can become a focal point for the growing artistic buzz in the town.

The name, the ‘Dovecote Street Show’, draws on the Ninth Street Show which took place at 60th East 9th Street Manhattan in 1951. It marked the inaugural exhibition showcasing the Abstract Expressionist movement, moving the centre of gravity in the art world from Paris to New York.

The Dovecote Centre will host Amble’s largest ever art exhibition

Although on a much smaller scale, it is hoped the show can help to foster a collective sense of direction for the arts and artists in the area, and help set the stage for future events and exhibitions of this kind in the town.

The show runs from 8 May until May 28 and it will be open each day from 10am-4pm. A special day of talks and screenings will take place on May 27, to coincide with the Amble Puffin Festival.

For up-to-date information please visit the show’s social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can contact the event’s organisers via email at

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