Amble Town Council Report #141

Posted on 27th July 2023 | in Amble Town Council , Community


Town:  10th August, 14th Sept at 6pm in Council Office

Amenities:  27th July, 28th Sept at 6pm in Council Office

Meetings at 6pm at Fourways 2 Top Floor

This review has proposed minor changes to the county boundaries but still retains two members to cover the Amble area as part of their remit. However it acknowledges that the increasing population within the Amble Wards requires some adjustment. The Town Council will retain nine members but instead of three in each ward, there will be two in the Central Ward, three in the West ward and four in the East ward. If agreed these changes will apply to the next elections in 2025. Whilst those are the legal parameters, all members prefer to work as a team and for the benefit of all our community.

Councillors spent the last days of June looking at gardens in their wards to shortlist those for the judge from Alnwick Gardens to view in July. It is always a pleasure to see the beautiful sights whilst walking around the town and these awards are just a small token of the community’s gratitude for the hard work and thought which goes into producing them. The Allotment Society’s Committee will also be recommending awards for the best in each area and the most improved throughout. The Civic Awards are a way of thanking individuals who willingly give up their time to help others in our community in a variety of ways.

We continue to press NCC to find a solution to the problem of the Coble Quay Walkway so that people can enjoy the walk and the views over the Marina and beyond. There is only a small amount in NCC’s budget to deal with any problems on Rights of Way. Whilst we have no powers and no legal authority to intervene, we are assured by them that all those within our parish boundary are regularly monitored to ensure safe passage for the public. We still lobby them to find the money to stop further deterioration thus preventing a greater financial burden.

As the town grows so do our needs- for example more meeting spaces, more access to employment, more spaces for over 18 courses. Councillors have been visiting nearby communities to find out what they offer, and how they are funded and finance themselves. We have asked what they would now do differently at the planning stage! We are getting advice from NCC on this, including any funding which might be available, We hope to set up a community steering group to take the idea forward. If you have thoughts on uses for such a space or are interested in helping to plan, promote and guide this project, please contact the Clerk or a Councillor.

Councillors continue to join with Northumbria Police and NCC Officers to walk around areas in the town to spot problems and make suggestions for improvements. These are approximately every 2-3 months and focus on different parts of the town. When you see them, please do approach them with your concerns. As this is a joint group, often this direct approach can see that it reaches the right organisation and can result in quicker action than a series of emails or phone calls.

Sadly the evergreen tree in the Memorial Gardens has died. We tried a smaller height hoping it would establish itself better than the tall variety. Whilst the same species continues to thrive in the High Street Garden, the Memorial Garden one has not and has been removed. Ways of replenishing and enhancing the soil are being considered to see if this would be of benefit and if so, then in September it will be considered whether to try again. If not, then as was the traditional location, once again the town’s Christmas tree will be the one at High Street Gardens.

Members of Amble Town Council were disappointed by the letter published in the last issue of The Ambler.
Councillors were accused of not having the interests of our society or community at the heart of what we do. Nothing could be further from the truth. Page 4 and page 16 of that edition set out stories about what we are doing and issues raised to us and by us, as does each news page. Residents are welcome to come along to our meetings, which are open to the public, to hear about the variety of things we do. We are all volunteers who work for and engage with the Amble Community; we welcome people coming forward to join us. However we do acknowledge that we may be guilty of following the maxim ‘self-praise is no recommendation’ and in future should perhaps ‘blow our own trumpet.’
Regarding the Coronation itself, very few people came forward with proposals to discuss or with offers of help to arrange any form of community celebration/commemoration, nor to ask if we had any plans. Without other voluntary help, the Council cannot physically carry out these types of events. Money from NCC was available and was publicised through Social Media but no-one came forward to take up this offer!
We had thought about fireworks as we did for the Platinum Jubilee, but the bird nesting season would be underway plus the nights are too light, so this could not be organised. Other ways of marking the Coronation were discussed.
Almost 1000 trees for the late Queen’s Platinum Anniversary have been planted in the West Cemetery and on the Braid with the residue given to Country Parks. Work has taken place in memory of our late Queen to have a lasting floral memorial in Amble- alongside this is a flowerbed for the King. Other forms of remembrance have been placed by ATC including the Peace Sculpture and with other’s help, the Seafarers Memorial.
The town has a number of seats including the one to thank all those in the community who helped during the height of the Covid epidemic. The new seat scheduled for Dilston Terrace will be dedicated to the King. All these were considered before deciding to provide Amble’s 1000 school children with a commemorative mug as a lasting memento of this historic occasion.


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Office hours: 10.30am-12noon & 1.30-3p.m. Monday to Friday Vicki Smith, Town Clerk Minutes available to view in Office or online

This page is written and paid for by Amble Town Council

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