Reports from our County Councillors #143

Councillor Terry Clark
I am pleased to report the following funded schemes through my small schemes budget:-
•Interactive speed sign at High Hauxley £6630.
•Signage along Link’s Road to deter overnight camper vans parking in the laybys next to dunes leaving rubbish behind and having illegal fires, several signs have been erected at the cost £2000.
•Footpath upgrading along Southmead, leading to the Enterprise Park, new tarmac surface which was very much needed, we have also needed to upgrade the drainage system which is essential for safe removal of excess water from heavy rainfall especially this time of year.
Many thanks to all who continue and report issues on FixMyStreet, hundreds of residents reporting concerns within Amble and surrounding area.
As we move into the Advent Season and prepare for the celebrations of Christmas, we know this time of year brings particular challenges for families trying to cope with the cost of living and rising fuel bills.
If you need extra support please contact Northumberland Communities Together, a response hub that can give much needed information & advice. Email – Phone – 01670 620015.
Cllr Terry Clark Amble, Hauxley and North Broomhill. 07779 983768

Councillor Jeff Watson
It was wonderful to see the large turnout of people at the Remembrance Parade on 12 November in the Town Square. As the Armed Forces Champion for Northumberland, I would like to thank the Town Council for organising it and taking such good care of the War Memorials to those local residents who paid the ultimate price for service to their country.
There has been an issue with streetlights on Acklington Road and I am still trying to get it sorted, I have had one fixed, but the three others are still off. It appears to be an issue about who is responsible for them, but I will continue to demand action and hopefully get them on again soon.
You may have noticed a new sign at the Braid entrance, I don’t think it does the job that it was intended to do, and therefore I have requested a sign on the main road (on the left as you leave Amble) that visitors can see.
The plans for the new school development have been passed, however I still think one or two details need to be finalised and I am working with NCC’s schools’ designers to clarify them and make sure that the Acklington Road parking of visitors to the welfare grounds are considered.
In these dark nights it is sometimes difficult to see children especially if the are on bikes or scooters, I ask parents to try to get some sort of reflective clothing for their children to help keep them safe if they are out in the dark.
I take this opportunity to wish you all well at Christmas.
Cllr Jeff Watson Amble West with Warkworth 07802 385367