It’s all go in the Friendliest Port

DOWN: Tesco demolish derelict buildings on their site, but there is still no word on any supermarket building
The Friendliest Port is now also the busiest port, with more activity along the river than there has been for decades. Derelict buildings are being pulled down, while new developments are going up. In a flurry of activity and a level of investment in the town not seen for many years, Amble’s riverfront is the location for a number of building projects.
Coquet Shorebase Trust’s new building is well underway. Their new facility is next to Amble Boat Club and will provide safer, cleaner and more spacious accommodation for watersports enthusiasts of all ages and abilities.
The move upriver is part of the £2.5m Harbour Village project funded by central government, from the Coastal Communities fund.
The Harbour Village site, with its seafood centre and retail pods, will have a phased opening starting in December.
“There’s been a lot of interest already in the pods,” said Sarah Dunne, the new Harbour Village Co-ordinator. “The Harbour Village will be an ideal location for small businesses or startups offering bespoke crafts, gifts and food and drink or leisure/tourism services. I’m here to help if anyone is interested in leasing a retail pod.”
A programme of events is being planned for the Harbour Village area throughout 2015.
Meanwhile, luxury apartments and some additional retail units have been given the go-ahead at a separate development at Coble Quay. Ground preparations have already begun, and the Boat Yard offices on Coquet Street will be demolished in mid October.
And speaking of demolition, Tesco have finally knocked down the derelict buildings on their site – although there is still no word on any future building for the supermarket. But Queen Street is full of independent businesses, proving that local people have faith in the town. And with so much local and government investment, right now, it’s no wonder it’s all go in the Friendliest Port.

FOUNDATIONS LAID: Harbour Village work is well underway. A seafood centre and 15 retail pods will be created next to the Quayside.

PLANS APPROVED: Luxury development starts soon at Coble Quay, next to Amble Boat Yard
hello I have read with interest after residents of amble have telephoned me and remarked that the item on the demolition of Tesco basically the way in which the article reads is that the town council and Tesco took the building down.May I be at pains to point out that I have been in communication for some months with Tesco with reference to the demolition of this building as the residents of North Street/North view had been left with nothing short of a ghetto outside their doors.Not only did they have to put up with the sight of it all they had to endure over the years anti social behaviour such as drinking/drugs/vomiting outside their front doors/urinating/defacating etc all outside their homes and in the alleyway by the side. they kept asking and asking but nobody listened …I am sure they will argue they did but seven years later after I have been in communication with Tescos CEO’S office they could not believe the way the site had been left for these residents to live by . I will say that the street cleaning team whom the residents had to call all of the time did a good job, but unfortunately because of the behaviour just not enough to keep up with the mess, so I have no problem with them, but when the town council takes any Kudos for this I object.They had the chance to get that site cleaned up for the residents but they ignored it,I wonder in these cases how long would it have taken had it been on their back door would it have taken to be cleaned up… certainly I can guarantee not seven years. People have rights in this country and this town and \I urge them to use them.More than oneresident there is ill/disabled and this has over the years put a tremendous strain on them is this fair is this the way we should be treating people.I don’t think so ! . so please note I fought for these residents and WE WON and Tesco said they would demolish the site and my last communication on Monday states they at this time have no idea what will happen to the site as it is to be fenced off and locked and will not be made into a car park.
Waste of money