One way system to begin 15 December

Posted on 12th December 2014 | in Community


Map showing new one-way system

The new one-way system at the harbour will begin on Monday 15 December. Traffic will be restricted to an easterly direction along Queen St, Coquet St and Leazes St.

Lawson St and George St will also be included in the one way system, with access now from Coquet St, exiting at Bridge St.

This is a temporary scheme for 12 months to see if it will ease congestion around the harbour area






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to  the provisions of Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 that the Northumberland County Council intend to make an Order the effect of which will be to temporarily restrict traffic on the following length of roads in Amble in the County of Northumberland:-


Coquet St

Easterly direction only

  • U3138 Queen Street Amble – From its junction with Bridge Street/Turner Street
  • U3138 Coquet Street Amble
  • U3138 Leazes Street Amble

South-easterly direction only

  • U3138 Lawson Street Amble

South-westerly direction only

  • U3138 George Street Amble

Leazes St

The Order is to be effective from 15th December 2014 for a period of 12 months.   It is expected that the highways will be restricted at all times during this period.

The National Cycle Route will remain unaffected by the introduction of the One Way System.

Enquiries should be made to Northumberland County Council’s Contact Centre 0845 600 6400 – Ref: 3137

The restriction has been requested by Northumberland County Council because of the likelihood of danger to the public and to prevent the obstruction of the highway caused by the parking of vehicles in Amble town centre.

DATED this 4th day of December 2014.  




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4 thoughts on "One way system to begin 15 December"

  1. Judith coulter says:

    As a resident of George street, I’m asking the question as to when we have been consulted about this. Do we not have a say in the amount of traffic that will be using our street, as well as the access we will have now to get to our homes. As it stands , the parking in our street is horrendous, surely all you are doing us encouraging even more parking issues, or are we not important as we aren’t part of the harbours new plans!!! We have lived here for over 16 yrs, and not even been spoken to about this matter.

  2. michael brierley says:

    one way, obviously a great deal of drivers either cannot read road signs or just ignore them ,every time i walk by i can count from 3 to 6 cars going wrong way, in a short space of time. The police could make a fortune in fines on Leazes street ,have noticed a lot of cars coming in from Newburgh Street to turn down Broomhill Street, as short cut, Easter weekend should be a laugh.

    1. Peter Proctor-Cannon says:

      Be interesting this weekend March 9th. first boot sale of the year on harbour, Even BT engineer ignored signage yesterday to work on box on corner of Leases /Newborough Street! .

      1. Peter Proctor-Cannon says:

        Should read 7th of March tomorrow! ! for Bootsale

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