US Marine remembered in Amble

The Walking With the Wounded team leaving Amble on day 12 of their 1000 mile, 72 day ‘Walk of Britain’ challenge.
As the Walking With the Wounded team left Amble, they expressed their thanks for the warm welcome they received from local people.
The group of six wounded soldiers are walking 1000 miles from Scotland to Buckingham Palace to raise money for their charity which helps retrain wounded service men and women.
They arrived in Amble on 1 September to a big crowd who cheered and clapped in welcome. The team were then presented with donations and gifts, followed by food and accommodation from local businesses. Over £1000 was collected in donations.
Leaving the following morning, the group were met by Brambles’ nursery children, who had gathered to wave them on to Morpeth, their next destination.
Honouring their memory
The team may have left the Friendliest Port, but one of the group has left behind a poignant reminder of the devastating effects of war.
Kirstie Ennis is the only female Walking With the Wounded member. A US Marine, Kirstie was badly wounded in 2012, while serving in Afghanistan.
At various stages of her walk, 24 year old Kirstie is placing ID (dog) tags belonging to fallen US servicemen. She left one inside the clock tower; a fitting resting place as it is also Amble’s war memorial.
She told The Ambler:
“I’m carrying 25 dog tags with me on this walk. Some were killed in action, others fell to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Every 40 miles along the walk, I place a dogtag along with a poem I wrote.”
Kirstie herself was badly injured in a helicopter crash in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. She suffered severe facial, head and brain injuries, spinal injuries, hearing impairment and a devastating leg and foot injury. She has had 38 operations so far.
“Six of my crew died in the crash” she said.
“Ours was a memorial helicopter, painted in memory of Captain Daniel Bartle. His helicopter crashed six months before ours, in exactly the same place.”
Kirstie says she is walking to honour and remember her friends and colleagues who didn’t make it home. The dog tag she chose to leave in Amble belonged to Capt Bartle.
More info on the charity, the individual walkers and how to donate can be found here
Anna Williams
This article made very poignant reading
A brilliant poem heroes every one of them and have my utmost respect