Donations for Amble Food Bank needed
The Amble Food Bank wishes to thank the people of Amble and surrounding areas for their additional donations of food over the last month as requested in the last edition of the Ambler. We hope that this trend continues throughout the summer.
An Amble Singer/Songwriter wants to perform in Amble to generate funds for the Amble Food Bank. We will advise people of the location for the event in due course through various media outlets.
We were also asking any allotment holders or even gardeners that have fruit and vegetables, surplus to their requirements, and wish to donate to the food bank, to contact us at
We are hoping to coordinate this so we can help the families in need, without losing fresh produce. We are asking people to carry on adding an extra tin or packet to their shop and dropping it off at either of the Co-ops in Amble.
We thank you for your continued support and thank you on behalf of the recipients.
Amble Food Bank
Below is a list of suggested items for the Amble Foodbank
Toilet Rolls
Toothpaste, Shower Gel, Soap
Puddings, Cereal, Soup
Tinned Potatoes, Tinned carrots, Tinned sweet corn
Chopped tomatoes, Cooking Oil
Tinned peas, Tinned green beans
Pasta, Pasta sauce, Rice, Baked beans
Tinned pilchards, Tinned tuna
Tinned ham, Tinned luncheon meat, Tinned hot dogs
Coffee (100g), Tea (80 – 100), Sugar, Long life milk
Tinned beef and onion, Tinned sausage casserole
Tinned Irish stew, Tinned stewed steak
Tinned chilli con carne
I have a bag of food for you to pick up from the men’s shed at the Dovecote Centre in Amble today
Aw man, I’ve just arranged to donate some veg to the Wansbeck Food Bank because I couldn’t find any information online about who takes fresh produce. Do you have a web page or Facebook page where you advertise what you accept?
The Amble foodbank need to raise their profile and improve online/social media info. It isn’t easy to find out how to donate a financial gift. They need to add an easy way to donate online and where the drop off points are for fresh food and other products. Am sure this would help with all contributions considerably. It is a wonderful charity but needs more work with marketing.