Corona Diary: Day 73-81

Posted on 10th June 2020 | in Blogs , Community , Corona Diary , Coronavirus

The diary of a student who is no longer in school, following what this new virus means for us.

Tomorrow would’ve been the final day of my GCSE exams, and under normal circumstances I would’ve been sitting in the hall doing exam papers for the last few weeks, probably extremely stressed and looking forward to this weekend when I could finally relax.

It’s also my birthday next week, and that was supposed to go very differently too. With my mum and dad at work and my sister at school, I was going to invite a couple of my friends round to watch movies and celebrate the end of exams. In the middle of revising, this was a really simple but nice idea to look forward to, and it’s strange to think that something as uncomplicated as inviting three friends over to watch a film isn’t allowed.

It was nice to be able to go out and see my friends after over two months.

I feel worse for my friend who’s birthday is only a couple of days after mine, though. Her birthday party was going to be a huge celebration with all of our class and lots of her family, all of us wearing our prom dresses. I know she’s upset that it’s had to be cancelled and I just hope she can rearrange it for a later date.

However, even if our plans have had to be cancelled, we’re trying to come up with new ideas. A couple of days ago, now that multiple people are allowed to meet, five of us went down to the Little Shore, sitting on picnic blankets and eating ice cream and slushies (not the best snack choice for a not-very-warm day). It’s the longest we’ve ever gone without seeing each other, and seeing each other again was amazing.

Obviously there aren’t going to be any huge parties this year, or even just a few people coming over to my house. I’ve tried to arrange a picnic for my birthday with a few friends- not quite the same as what things should’ve been, but as long as I can see my friends again that’s what counts. Sappy, I know.

by Lily Tibbitts

Corona Diary: Day 68-72

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