New housing proposal wants your feedback
Plans to create a ‘Lifetime Neighbourhood’ in Amble are being drawn up by Northumberland Estates and they are asking for feedback from the community.

CGI of proposal as it would be seen from the Braid
The plans include Independent Supported Living Apartments, residential apartments and traditional housing. The location of the development is on Braid Hill, where the Tesco supermarket had originally been planned.
Northumberland Estates say:
“The current plans and information can be accessed on the website, and we are keen to engage with local people and receive feedback on the proposals, before refining the plans and submitting a planning application.”

Site plan of the ‘Lifetime Neighbourhood’
The proposed accommodation would provide a range of 1-bed and 2-bed homes, designed to facilitate the changing needs of residents over their lifetimes.
The Independent Supported Living Accommodation (‘extra-care’) will provide 48no. apartments, including 10no. 1-bed and 38no. 2-bed. This will include staff facilities, communal lounges and open green space.
35no. residential (2-bed) apartments will be provided alongside 10no. residential 2-bed houses. The proposals will also include the delivery of ‘affordable housing’ for local people.

The site would be accessed from a new access road from the A1068 via the existing residential estate road at Rivergreen. Pedestrian access will be provided directly from the site to Amble Town Centre via North Street.
The proposals will include extensive green infrastructure and landscaping, including the provision of useable open green space. The landscaping proposals will maximise opportunities for biodiversity.
To see the plans and leave your comments, visit the website:
I think these are a good idea as we need to keep families in Amble. Local people cannot afford house prices and their families move away. Too many empty houses in winter as far too many holiday let’s now. This looks to be a great estate forming and ideal for flats for people needing extra help. I at the moment cannot find a house to rent in amble and have lived here58 years but the landlord wants to make our private rented house a holiday let
This is a monstrous proposal on protected land designated Village Green and will detrimentally affect the Coquet Estuary AONB as well.
The site is heavily used public open space, by locals and tourists alike. The access road is going to take a lot of the open land too.
Amble does not have the capacity in doctor and dentist facilities now, which will be in heavy demand by the elderly population attracted to such a development.
The size of the main building being three storeys plus a steep pitch roof is enormous and will be of huge detriment to the residential properties at Riverside Park and Victoria Villas some of which will be grossly overlooked by the apartments and their balconies with a total loss of privacy to the adjoining properties and gardens.
The setting of Amble Bowling Club will be spoilt as well.
In short, badly located, over development, and ill thought through; an attempt to extract value from what should remain as open land already protected from such eyesores.
Hope it isn’t on a flood plain.
Hardly “ Lifetime” as no family homes . Smaller apartments / homes are needed for younger and older people but if these are for sale not rent and Planning rules stay the same then it is 45 (minus the token affordable housing) two beds for sale – no doubt to be more holiday homes .
Far from providing green space the road divides the existing open access area leaving one area cut off . No benefit to biodiversity .
Using a current, narrow and with two junctions already on it, no through road for access rather than at least part use of an existing road is environmentally damaging .
This is a terrible idea. The last thing Amble needs are more houses with an existing lack of schools, gp’s etc. The access road is the worst part. Going through a residential area and taking up a large portion of the limited green land Amble has to offer.
This is very sad on a number of levels.
Firstly the quality of the architecture, the RIBA would not be impressed.
Secondly the structure seems to be very traditional uk, bricks and block, very high use on cement and concrete and carrying a very large carbon footprint.
Thirdly, and I find this alarming, is that Northumberland Estates seem to be oblivious of climate change, the increasing level and frequency of storms and the rising sea level. By looking at the coastal flood maps on the web site climate you will see this area is likely to flood every year in the next decade.
The road to Agenda 30 – no homes for familes.
Lifetime neighbourhood. What a silly name. I endorse the previous comments. The amount of land that will be built on is a blow to those who view the Braid as a much needed ‘lung’. There is an enormous expansion of housing in Amble, which brings more traffic on roads that are considerably congested and brings added pressure on services. I think the general public is well catered for in terms of housing development and this is too much. Estates are adding to the public’s anxiety of witnessing a degradation of open spaces.
I endorse a lot of these comments. The site is also a haven for wildlife I do not see anything on the plans which would compensate for yet more environmental destruction. The flood risk would be increased by building in this area have they not heard about climate change? It is not going to be largely affordable housing which is what we need in Amble
Not on the Braid (Falls under Warkworth Parrish )any OLDER AMBLE RESIDENTS are aware of this! Originally a town tip of many years,! So doubt if planning permission would be given for fear of disturbing whatever lays beneath. The Proposed housing is planned for the old Campbell Smith Land that was to be Tesco’s Super Market. Amble is expanding. I saw Amble dying in the Sixties now it is a thriving town. we need the expansion to housing stock for future generations. Amble has always been built up by people moving in from other areas right back to original harbour expansions. Even my Family are incomers. of over eighty years.
Afordable Housing for older Amble residents. A rat infested eyesore cleaned up incorporating extensive green infrastructure and landscaping . Why would this not be supported? A a win win for Amble.
The Good people of Amble deserve better. The plan looks “Getto” style ;cheap infill development, amazing it isn’t called Friendly Lifetime Neighbourhood, to make it sound even more corny. No individuality; of which Amble the Seaside village is. There needs to be individual house styles, that are sustainable and environmentally friendly; with solar panels on the roof ,small wind turbines, skylights; no perspex in the windows. Not cheap housing but good affordable housing. I notice the developer is the good Duke; who is rubbing his hands in glee; MONEY !(I take full responsibility for my comments; as I have seen too many developers prey on communities) I would like to return to Amble in the not too distant future; as it is a good seaside village, with a good community.
Why has this only been included in this months printed ambler, when the consultation process is already closed. They clearly did not want to consult! Developing this land under the sweetener of promised affordable homes, (which will likely never manifest) while building the access road across the village green, leave the braid alone! Our green space is ever shrinking and the braid is a fantastic space, for people and wildlife. Don’t allow it to be destroyed.
I consider the proposed access road through Rivergreen to be both dangerous and out of context for a small housing development.
Dangerous too, because of the traffic flow down from the Wynd turning right into Rivergreen on the A1068 at speeds in excess of 60mph. The plans to include a construction road to serve the development coming off the Marina Road are environmentally unacceptable as stated by Guy Munden of Northumberland Estates. But still, this is what they are proposing.
Hundreds of tons of hardcore would be required for this road and they are suggesting all this material would be removed after building finishes.
I think this is highly unlikely, as it would be in their interests to be used as a ready-made car park on the Braid. I think more sympathetic routes are being overlooked because of convenience. We will face 2/3 years of upheaval, dust, dirt, noise and air pollution. Not to mention the dangers of digging and disturbing the buried waste in this old rubbish tip.