Population of Amble falls
Residents may be surprised to know that the population of Amble has fallen slightly in the last 20 years, according to the latest census data. In 2021 the population of Amble was 5,860, a fall of 165 on the 2011 census which recorded 6,025 residents. 2001 figures show the population was at 6,044.
This is in stark contrast to the number of houses in the town which has risen dramatically over the same period.
849* new houses were built/are being finished between 2014 and 2023, with 678 still in various stages of planning and 60 in a planning coma.
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A couple of questions spring to mind; were we all crammed in together living cheek by jowl 20 years ago and now we live separately swinging our proverbial cats?
Some people will have sadly passed away, some will have moved. Some Amble residents own more than one house in the town. We haven’t even looked at the number of people renting. But we’re not aware of a load of empty properties, so let’s make a bit of a wild guess here… are non residents buying the new houses?
The new school for JCSC will be designed to take 720 pupils aged between 11-18yrs. The current school caters for 731 aged between 9-18yrs, so it does not appear they are expecting a huge rise in demand, despite the new Longstone Manor (185) and Tantallon/Acklington Road (up to 500) developments.
The perception is that Amble is growing more than ever. But with interest rates still rising and mortgages harder to secure, it will be interesting to see how fast the new developments fill up in the coming months, and whether the resident population continues to fall.
What do you think?
Anna Williams
*New housing finished or still being built 2014-2023:
Coquet Grange 250
Coble Quay 25
Tynedale 48
Gloster Farmhouse 48
Percy Drive 275
Roseate View (St Cuthberts school) 14
Longstone Manor 185
Marina West (Artique) 7
Lighthouse View (Signal Cottage) 3
Developments still in various stages of planning process as of 2023
Tantallon (Acklington Rd) 500 [See Planning Ref: 23/02116/REM]
Persimmon (Hauxley View) 166
DP Builders (Southmede bungalows) 12
Developments in a coma
Coble Marina 54
Gloster Hill 6
Developments withdrawn
Additional 60 houses for Hauxley View
Braid Hill 93
Population figure is no surprise to us, in the 17 stone built houses of my street I reckoned there were 29 residents and 2 second homes (no resident) around 2011. Now there are 4 houses containing 6 residents left. 13 houses are holiday homes / second homes! Fantastic money to be made by the holiday home owners, meanwhile the town is actually shrinking if the children numbers continue to fall – then so will the schools eventually. ( St cuthbert school demolished already). People who are moving into Amble are older people.
Second point – we’ve been told for the last few years the pressure of more patients means the GP Practice struggles to cope with demand for appointments- obviously it’s not as simple as that, though?