What you say… #141
Choice of unsung hero questioned
I was interested to read Councillor Jeff Watson’s report (Issue #140, p14)concerning the nomination of unsung community heroes for the coronation. While his nomination may certainly have had some points of value, his choice of the wife of a fellow councillor suggests that there may have been a personal connection influencing his choice.
It is unfortunate that he did not seem to cast his net a little wider and looked, not only at the hard work put in by volunteers, but also at the impact that this work has on the community. The same edition of The Ambler mentions Luke McTaggart’s development of the arts scene in Amble, culminating in the excellent Dovecote Street Show, offering a superb exhibition as well as a showcase for many local artists. Would he not be worthy?
There are reports from many volunteer groups throughout the magazine including the RNLI, Amble Food Bank, and the Amble Development Trust. Awarding a volunteer from one of these organisations would show an appreciation of the work of all its volunteers.
Mr Watson courted controversy last year with certain comments, which seemed to suggest a disconnect between his views and the needs of the community which he represents. That he did not seem to engage more with the community concerning who should be given the coronation honour seems a missed opportunity to heal this rift. Rather than see it as something which was his own personal gift, he should remember that he is the representative of the whole community, whether he personally agreed with them or not.
Guy Nutting, via email
Ed: We asked Cllr Watson if he would like to respond to this letter, but he declined, referring readers to the reasons for his choice in his original report
(Issue #140 p 14).
Wildlife diversity lost to NCC eager mowing
There is a small triangle shaped plot of land which lies between Coquet Vets and Amble Autopoint. bordering Percy Drive. Over the past few years it has been developing a very distinctive flora including lady’s smock, creeping buttercup, hoary ragwort as well as two lovely birch trees. Up until now the plot has been a sea of yellow as the buttercups flowered. In the past two years it had also been colonised by the cinnabar moth, a very distinctive day flying moth. The caterpillars of which are banded in gold and black while the adults are crimson and black. Cinnabar moths have long been associated with common ragwort but on this particular site they had started to colonise hoary ragwort. Elsewhere in Amble they have adapted to using groundsel, a closely related plant, as a food plant for their larvae.
Unfortunately, the Percy Drive site has just been destroyed in the middle of June by being mown. All the wildflowers and associated insects have been pulped. Whoever decides where to mow in Amble should take a look at the Morrisons wildflower meadow which this year was allowed to develop throughout May and June to see what a difference a no-mowing policy makes. The raised bed at the end of Broomhill Road is another example of the colourful vibrancy that wildflowers can provide.
Amble has an opportunity to celebrate nature in a meaningful way simply by allowing sites to develop their natural potential which at the moment are being so casually destroyed. What does this teach the younger generations about the value of nature?
Hugh Tindle, via email
Where was the info on RMS Mauretania?
Well, what a huge disappointment!

The photo shows RMS Mauretania sailing past Coquet Island. Taken from the book “A Story of Amble” by David Wilkinson and Paul Morrison
I took my grandson down to the Amble Harbour Village today for the advertised “Mauretania Day”. We were really looking forward to it.
Lovely weather; lovely music from Newbiggin Brass Band; nice vintage car display; lots of people enjoying themselves; but NOTHING to indicate that it was Mauretania Day!!
In the past there used to be a picture of the Mauretania outside the Seafood Centre with information about
its relevance to Amble.
The Mauretania, passing Amble on her final voyage to Rosyth where she was to be scrapped after a glorious career, referred to Amble as “…the last and kindliest port in England”, hence “Amble the Friendliest Port”!
What a missed opportunity to educate people about the history of our lovely home town! A history worth celebrating surely?
I do hope this will be rectified next year! As for this year, I have one disappointed grandson!
Isabel Morrison, via email
That photo is lovely in colour, I have seen it in colour on YouTube: Amble in Old Photo’s by: Rod Hardisty. really interesting and the music is lovely too, sets the scene.