Eats, shoots and leaves

Posted on 30th May 2024 | in Community

Have you noticed the new fruit trees and hedge planted at the Welfare? This is the beginning of the community orchard.

Fruit trees at the new community orchard

Volunteers planted 33 fruit trees at the end of March, they included plum, apple, pear and cherry. Once established, it is hoped the resulting fruit can be picked by the community for their own use.

Matthew Connolly from Amble Development Trust said “Thanks to the dedication of volunteers, local organisations, and supporters, we hope the Amble Community Orchard will grow from a concept into a vibrant community asset. This orchard will provide a serene space for community members to connect with nature, partake in physical activity, and engage in social gatherings.”

It’s hoped that more cherry trees and also a rose garden will be planted at the Welfare in the near future.
Some memorial trees may also be planted if people are interested. Contact for more information.

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