Improvements introduced at JCSC after ‘disappointing’ results
The new Head of James Calvert Spence has introduced a series of measures aimed at improving the school’s performance and attendance levels, after “disappointing” A-level, KS4 and KS2 results were published.

New Head James Andriot came into post last September. He has already intoduced measures aimed at improving grades
The results showed a decline in reading, writing and maths compared to the previous year.
James Andriot who took over as Head of JCSC in September told The Ambler, “We were disappointed but not shocked, and there is still work to do.”
He pointed out that results in some categories were comparable to other local schools. And it is generally acknowledged that although Covid lockdowns were four years ago, the effects on young people’s education continue to be noted.
Disappointing results
Only 17.7% of JCSC pupils achieved grade 5 or above in GCSE English and Maths. This is a drop of 10% from the previous year. The national average is 46% while the average across the county is 41.5%.
In KS2 only 30% of pupils achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (the national average is 61% while the county average is 56%).
The average A-level result for JCSC students is a D+ (the national average is C+).
However, there had been notable achievements last summer by individual pupils, not least one A level student who achieved 3 A* grades in Biology, Chemistry and Maths and has gone on to Cambridge University. Another student achieved three 9s in GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics; and four 8s in Maths, History, Geography and French.

Amy Patterson went on to study Veterinary Medicine at Cambridge University
Speaking to The Ambler, Mr Andriot said that some of the newly published results were similar to those of other schools in the area.
He explained that the data did not include resits results which have just taken place: “We are pleased with the resit results where 60% obtained a grade 4 or above,” he said.
He acknowledged there was still work to be done. “I want our young people to be leaving with good Maths and English. There’s lots to do and we have a strategic vision to help the young people get better results.”
The curriculum at JCSC is being developed to include a wider offer, attendance is being encouraged and rewarded, and at the same time, young people are being given better feedback and offered more advice and support where needed.”
Focus on attendance
Since the summer, students in Year 11 now stay for an additional period to help improve their grades. They have expanded a mentoring programme where barriers to learning can be identified and addressed, and where mentors can promote careers and future prospects to the students.
In the Sixth Form there has been a big emphasis on daily attendance.
Mr Andriot said, “We want the students in school more, and studying more. Study time in school is vital for students’ attainment, so we’ve invested a good deal promoting the culture of study and improving study spaces, and we are emphasising how best to use independent study time.”
Attendance levels were also cited as being a contributory factor in last year’s disappointing results, so the school has been working with the young people and their parents to address the issue. Now small rewards or certificates are handed out at the end of term in recognition of better attendance levels.
At the same time, more than 30 new lunchtime clubs have been set up, helping to make the school somewhere the children want to spend time.
The school is asking parents to back them in their drive to improve attendance.
“If a young person is not in school, they’re not learning,” said Mr Androit. “Amble parents have been very supportive on the whole and I am grateful for their support. Every parent I’ve met so far, wants to do the best for their kids.”
Anna Williams
It is refreshing to hear from a Headteacher that exam results were bad. The good thing is that these are true results and not inflated, like we have seen in the past all over country.
Education standards have certainly fallen to an all time low, which is very evident in Parliament where lawmakers don’t know the meaning of phobia and insist on misusing it and wrongly labelling people. In fact, they are the ones with a phobia. They also feel that school breakfasts and free school meals help to achieve good results. Yes, good election results. Kids should have breakfast at home and not leave in a hurry on an empty stomach.
Why should students be rewarded for attendance? What about those who fall ill and have to miss class?
Mr Andriot is determined to turn things around and has measures in place to make school more interesting. Here’s wishing the school the very best.