Tag: Lifeboats

  • What you say… #147

    What you say… #147

    25th July 2024

    Thanks from Poppy Appeal I would like to thank her volunteers, Morrisons Supermarket and the very…

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  • Thousands throng Amble harbour for Lifeboat Day 2015

    Thousands throng Amble harbour for Lifeboat Day 2015

    30th August 2015

    Thousands of people thronged the quayside and Harbour Village for Amble’s annual Lifeboat Day. The crowds…

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  • What you say: July 2015

    What you say: July 2015

    14th July 2015

    Fundraising for the lifeboats A big ‘Thank you’ to all who supported ALF at our last…

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  • £1 million support helps fund Amble RNLI lifesaver

    £1 million support helps fund Amble RNLI lifesaver

    11th March 2013

    A new volunteer crew member at Amble RNLI lifeboat station has had a vital part of…

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  • Awash with breaking seas

    Awash with breaking seas

    7th December 2011

    At the end of October station mechanic John Sim noticed a small leisure fishing boat struggling…

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  • Assistance for ‘Orcadian Mist’

    Assistance for ‘Orcadian Mist’

    3rd March 2011

    Amble RNLI Lifeboats launched to assist fishing vessel aground on rocks at Coquet Island It was…

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