Business News

  • Yacht Club renovations

    Yacht Club renovations

    15th May 2014

    Improvements at Coquet Yacht Club (CYC) have started, with plans to create a balcony area for…

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  • Hadston entrepreneur looks to save NHS millions

    Hadston entrepreneur looks to save NHS millions

    7th May 2014

    Entrepreneur Dean Stackhouse, from Hadston, has launched a company which could save the NHS millions over…

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  • Spurreli wins  eight new awards

    Spurreli wins eight new awards

    7th May 2014

    Spurreli Ice Cream continues their successful run in the 2014 National Ice Cream Awards, racking up…

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  • Queen Street Fabrics moves on

    Queen Street Fabrics moves on

    25th April 2014

    Amble’s first pop up shop is about to pop back to its beginnings.  After a successful…

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  • Spurreli wins  eight new awards

    Spurreli wins eight new awards

    25th April 2014

    Spurreli Ice Cream continues their successful run in the 2014 National Ice Cream Awards, racking up…

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  • ‘Parking will stay on the agenda’ says new business club leader

    ‘Parking will stay on the agenda’ says new business club leader

    25th April 2014

    Ann Burke is the new chairperson for Amble Business Club. She took over running the club…

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  • From the Ambler: Times, they are a changin’

    From the Ambler: Times, they are a changin’

    21st March 2014

    This edition is packed with plans. Change is in the air; some are grand designs (Waiting…

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  • Your health is your wealth

    Your health is your wealth

    12th March 2014

    It has been a year since the re-launch of In Sync.  Previously situated in Ashington, the…

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  • Government says ‘Yes’ to Harbour Village development

    Government says ‘Yes’ to Harbour Village development

    7th March 2014

    Proposals for the development of a new small business village on the harbour-side at Amble have…

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  • Free Surplus Office Furniture Open Day

    Free Surplus Office Furniture Open Day

    6th March 2014

    New recycling office equipment service in Northumberland Northumberland County Council has arranged an open day on…

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