
  • School bullies can be beaten

    School bullies can be beaten

    30th November 2010

    In November, to mark the start of the UK’s Anti-Bullying week, the Beat Bullying Charity launched…

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  • Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat

    Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat

    30th November 2010

    Coquet High School, on Monday December 13th and Tuesday 14thDecember.* Performed by members of staff and…

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  • Food, glorious food!

    Food, glorious food!

    22nd October 2010

    Amble First School (Edwin St) Children at Amble First School are enjoying delicious school dinners, cooked…

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  • Meet Richard Kielty

    Meet Richard Kielty

    20th October 2010

    The new Head of Amble Middle School talked to The Ambler.Richard grew up in North Yorkshire,…

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  • Coquet High School awards

    Coquet High School awards

    22nd September 2010

     Pictured here are l – r back row: Rebecca Smith, Anna Middlemas, Rebecca Summers, Deputy Head…

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  • Lack of money and falling pupil numbers may mean school closure

    Lack of money and falling pupil numbers may mean school closure

    21st September 2010

    Plans have been put forward to amalgamate Druridge Bay and Amble Middle Schools in a bid to save…

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  • The inspirational Mr Singh

    The inspirational Mr Singh

    2nd September 2010

    After 32 years of teaching maths to Coquet High School students, Charlie Singh, Head of Maths…

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