
  • It’s all about the community

    26th March 2021

    Another example of kind hearted community action has proved a whirlwind success after just a matter…

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  • Export headaches continue for Amble shellfish company

    25th March 2021

    An Amble company which exports shellfish to the EU say they are managing to deliver to…

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  • Hauxley Parish Council report #127

    24th March 2021

    Local Council elections The Council term is coming to an end and the new council is…

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  • Schools for thought: JCSC in the future

    23rd February 2021

    The struggles many people have had with home schooling has pushed the very nature of our…

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  • Skills support from your sofa

    9th February 2021

    Are you a business needing support to help plan for the future? NBSL are hosting a…

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  • Armchair travelling with ADEA

    8th February 2021

    Amble & District Education Association (ADEA) We invite any Zoomers who would enjoy our Spring Term…

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  • Amble shellfish company joins London protest

    20th January 2021

    Coquet Island Shellfish took part in a protest by seafood exporters in central London on January…

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  • Amble swimmer calls for end to sewage dumping in the sea

    8th January 2021

    A 73 year old open water swimmer has called for action to be taken to stop…

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  • Raw sewage pumped onto Amble beach 62 times in one year

    10th December 2020

    Readers may be aware of a recent report from Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) that Northumbrian Water…

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  • Should schools have stayed closed?

    4th December 2020

    We are just out of another lock down with a lot of businesses closing and social…

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