
  • Meet Richard Kielty

    Meet Richard Kielty

    20th October 2010

    The new Head of Amble Middle School talked to The Ambler.Richard grew up in North Yorkshire,…

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  • All of Amble is going through this together

    All of Amble is going through this together

    20th October 2010

    Update 22.10.2010: There has been some activity at the Northumberland Foods factory recently, with cleaning staff…

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  • James Cook visits Friendliest Port

    James Cook visits Friendliest Port

    18th October 2010

    Crew and volunteers of vessel James Cook sailed into the Friendliest Port recently, to promote the…

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  • Coquet High School awards

    Coquet High School awards

    22nd September 2010

     Pictured here are l – r back row: Rebecca Smith, Anna Middlemas, Rebecca Summers, Deputy Head…

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  • Lack of money and falling pupil numbers may mean school closure

    Lack of money and falling pupil numbers may mean school closure

    21st September 2010

    Plans have been put forward to amalgamate Druridge Bay and Amble Middle Schools in a bid to save…

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  • Amble lifeboats in action again

    Amble lifeboats in action again

    20th September 2010

           Both Amble RNLI lifeboats have been called out in recent days to assist grounded vessels     …

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  • Queen Street: a hive of activity

    Queen Street: a hive of activity

    17th September 2010

       Ask anyone in Amble what they would like to see in Queen Street and they…

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  • Amble welcomes new Minister

    Amble welcomes new Minister

    16th September 2010

    ST. MARK’S UNITED REFORMED CHURCH, AMBLE St. Mark’s URC is to get a new Minister.   Revd….

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  • Amble Bowling Club

    Amble Bowling Club

    14th September 2010

    Amble Bowling Club 2010 won the prestigious North Northumberland Finals Day Cup. The team was skippered…

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  • Northumberland Foods: your experience

    Northumberland Foods: your experience

    6th September 2010

    A long time employee of Northumberland Foods gave The Ambler his view on the main problems…

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