Letters & Email

  • Your letters and emails: Dec/Jan 2012

    Your letters and emails: Dec/Jan 2012

    11th December 2012

    Don’t park here, can’t park here I would like to respond to the letter by Elsie…

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  • Your letters and emails: Oct/Nov 2012

    Your letters and emails: Oct/Nov 2012

    9th October 2012

    Royal Mail Thank you so much for sending me the latest copy of The Ambler, which…

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  • Letters and email Summer 2012

    Letters and email Summer 2012

    9th August 2012

    What can you say? The organisation known as Pride in Amble raised funds to make the…

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  • Letters: June/July 2012

    Letters: June/July 2012

    30th May 2012

    Thank you! I would like to express my sincerest thanks to everyone who contributed to my…

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  • Letters: April – May 2012

    Letters: April – May 2012

    27th March 2012

    Tugboat This photo was sent in by Ambler reader Rob Stephenson from Manchester who says he…

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  • Letters: February – March 2012

    Letters: February – March 2012

    31st January 2012

    Tracking down Prospect Place Having read the article in the recent Ambler set me thinking. I…

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  • Letters December 2011 – January 2012

    Letters December 2011 – January 2012

    7th December 2011

    Home truths So we are to get our very own Tesco by December 2012. It’s ironic…

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  • Your letters and emails September/October

    Your letters and emails September/October

    18th October 2011

    Another successful Hauxley Fun Day Once again August Bank Holiday Monday proved to be the best…

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  • Your letters and email: July/Aug

    Your letters and email: July/Aug

    12th August 2011

    World’s biggest coffee morning As in previous years we will be holding a coffee morning in…

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  • Your letters & email: June/July

    Your letters & email: June/July

    10th June 2011

    Treating us like peasants It is clearer now how the Tesco supermarket application was handled by…

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